Part 18

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"Camping: 3."


"Yes, isn't bestfriends tend to do some sharing to each other?"

"Oh w-wow... I was just flabbergasted at your words. Don't take it seriously, I might've just thought about something else than getting what you mean." Chan said and chuckled.

"That's fine. I do often misunderstand a lot of things too." I said and smiled.

It's almost time and we are now gathered at the Quadrangle again to hear a small speech and to know the activities that we'll be having for the whole Camping.

"Good almost-evening, Campers! Aerina is back at your fronts and now I am glad to present you the Camp Director, heir of the Highlands Memorial Campsite, Mr. Em Highlands." Aerina said and a man in his 50s went upstage and smiled through the whole crowd and took the mic to Aerina and spoke with his semi-deep voice that sounds like Brim.

"Welcome, I suppose not all of you are new here but seems like new, right?" He said and chuckled.

"Aw, geez. I like his voice, so daddy-like!" Hangyeol said and stared at Mr. Em with an enchanted look.

"As you all have heard, no one survived except for the two men in the family. My surname is not Highlands but when this family who lived in total luxure had passed away, I gave in and took over their surname to let the surname 'Highlands' go on. I am Law's descendant, I wasn't as rich as him but I have the intellect. It's the saddest part of life to lose someone but... It's normal, people leave... For a natural reason." Em said and that just hits me so hard.

"It's normal, people leave... For a natural reason."


"Jeonghan, don't you want to eat?" I asked Jeonghan who's sulking inside his tent. The speech just ended a while ago and we came back to the site to check our stuffs and I noticed Jeonghan wasn't in a good mood lately.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I asked and he looked at me with his eyes totally piercing mine. Well, sadly I got used to him piercing me with his scary glare so it's nothing scary to me anymore.

"At least tell me what's wrong. Are you sick?" I asked and placed my palm on his neck and he held my wrist, glaring even harder that somewhat just made me chuckle.

"Yoon Jeonghan, I wouldn't know what's wrong with you if you're only going to glare at me." I said and he sighed, rolling his eyes and then stood up, leaving his tent alone to me. Yoon's being a brat again...

"Hey, wait up!" I said and chased him and we walked together inside the dining area.

"I seriously don't get you at times, geez." I lowly whispered and we sat on the same table as Taeyeon, Hangyeol, Jihyo, Jae and Mingyu who's sitting on the other end of the table.

"Oh, what a nice get together is this. I suggest we should stay like this until—"

"Jeonghan? Oh my gosh, it's you!"

Heartbeat's racing, mind going empty and my head slowly turned to the person who owns the light, semi-high pitched and sassy voice.


"Oh? Hana Choi..."

Dang it! Why are you playful, fate?!


Chaeyoung joined our table and sat beside Jeonghan and even tried to open up a conversation with him yet Jeonghan often answers nothing. My feelings were tensed and I just couldn't look into Chaeyoung after her presence invaded me and somewhat gave me mental panics.

"And... I wasn't expecting to see you here, Hana. You don't know how I missed you." She sweetly said and even gave me a flying kiss. Ew.

"Wait, you know each other?" Jihyo asked.

"Well, yes. She and Mingyu were my previous classmates on Gwangju and I am so sad when I heard the news about Hana transferring to a new school." Chaeyoung said and even gave me puppy eyes and dang it, If only I can vomit here. The plasticity.

"I remembered how we enjoyed the good times together back then, Hana. Do you still remember that time at the bathroom? Oh my... I should've known it'd end that way—"

"Will you please shut up?" Mingyu spoke and glared at Chaeyoung who just chuckled and stroked her hair.

"Ah, my tounge slipped. A solid witness is here, I forgot."

"Oh, and how did you became close to this pretty girls? Did you bragged about what happened to you back at our school? Or..."

"You made them pity you so you can have friends to protect you? Aw... That's sweet!" Chaeyoung said and I lowered my fists under the table and clenched them under. Those times started to invade me again and the discomfort inside me started to grow eerie.

"For the last time, will you shut up?"

"Shut up about what, Kim Mingyu? I was just talking about the sweet memories we all had back then..."

"I think that jerk is right, Miss Chaeyoung. Dinner is in front of us and with you chattering a lot, we might end up eating at midnight." Jeonghan suddenly scoffed that backed up around us the table.

"W-well... You're probably right, let's eat."


I just went out of the restroom and all changed into my pajamas, I walked back to the site while drying my hair and saw Chan fixing his tent also wearing his pajamas.

"Hey, Hana. Nice outfit." He said and I smiled. "Thanks."

"Hana Choi." I suddenly turned to the other direction and saw Jeonghan in his pajamas and is tapping his foot on the ground.

"Quickly get inside." He ordered and I confusingly went inside his tent.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he turned up the zipper of his tent to close us inside and he sat down in front of me with his arms crossed and his brows curled.

"What's with that Park being cruel to you?" He asked that made my mouth swung open.

"Did something bad happened back then?" He asked again but there's no respond coming from me.

"I'm asking you." He said but minutes passed and I still haven't responded to him.




I tried to stand up and go but he grabbed my arm that made me fall on his lap and my face being so close to him.


"Damn it, I'm talking to you."


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