Part 6

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"Live in together."


I am currently packing my stuffs when I received a message from Jeonghan.

'You need help?'

I don't know but his message made me smile and I replied back, 'Sure.'

But just seconds after I sent the message, I suddenly heard someone knocked on the door and turns out it's already Jeonghan.

"I should've known you just moved a few blocks away from your old house." He said and started to help me put my stuffs inside the boxes.

"Mom's stuffs are all delivered to Gwangju?" He asked and I nodded. Oh wow, he really calls Mama so comfortably.

"I also took the stuffs your left in your room back at the mansion and they're already at the car." Jeonghan said that made me stop packing up and look at him.

"Why? Aren't I moving in the mansion?" I asked and he crossed his arms, shaking his head in disagreement.

"Of course not." He said and walked towards me and bent down in my height.

"We're living on my house, just the two of us. Because I just want you for me..." He said and scrunched his face before going back to pack my stuffs but left me with a wide open mouth. What?! I'm literally living with him? And just with him?!


I finally left the house with Jeonghan and we are now on our way to the house he said that we'll be living in together.

"That house is actually where I should be living in with Seoyeon when we get married."

"You're so forward into the future." I said and he chuckled, disagreeing on what I said.

"If I am, I should have known this would happen and should've not met Seoyeon and just be with you right away." He said and I shook my head in disbelief.

"That's not what I originally meant with that. I mean you were just planning that marriage back then but you already made a house beforehand."

"Grandma told me he also bought the mansion for Dad and Mom aftee they get married. She said I have to also reserve myself a residence just in case. Well... Now?" He said and reached out to take my hand and made me look at me.

"That 'just in case' is right now."

We finally arrived at the place and just ny seeing the white gate made my mouth swung open. The porch has a fountain in the middle, there are lots of bushes and flowers and there are two pathways. One that leads to the house and one that leads to the pool.

We proceeded to enter and Jeonghan opened the door of the white house and the place is so beautiful and modernly designed, the furnitures and interior designs were obviously luxurious and the prices were an absolute thousands.

"I still have one thing to show you here on the living room." He said and entered the kitchen and went back, carrying a chubby, grey and blue eyed cat with a furry tail.

"Wow, it's so cute!" I exclaimed and gently patted the cat's head.

"His name is YungHoon. YungHoon, she's is going to be your mother, Hana." Jeonghan said and handed me YungHoon.

"I can see my future holding our candy." Jeonghan said that made me look at him and he just laughed, walking out of the living room.

"I don't know you like cats."

"I bought him yesterday." I heard him replied.

I placed down Yunghoon and followed Jeonghan who's heading upstairs. The second floor has a wide veranda that will lead you to see the view of Seoul City and the backyard and the pool below. There are two doors for bedroom and a walk-in closet. I opened the first door and it has a light pink contrast and the bed is purple and is so fluffy. There's a study table, a big mirror, a cabinet for extra storage and a carpet in the middle of the room.

"Feel at home." I heard Jeonghan from the door and he's now holding Yunghoon that somewhat made me smile when I saw how adoring they look.

"Come on, I'll help you unpack so we can make something to eat together." He said and placed down Yunghoon and started helping me unpack my stuffs and tidy the room.

I often take glances at him while he helps me unpack my stuffs because he also goes to check out some of my things such as my hair adorns, clothes—well.... Underwears aren't included, books and also... Photos.

"Who's this?" He suddenly asked and showed me a side by side photo of two young girls.

"The one on the right side is me and on the left is Mama." He said and sounded shocked when I told him who it was.

"You look very much alike. I thought this is twins."

"Yeah? Mama looks beautiful isn't she?" I asked and Jeonghan didn't yet responded and assessed the photos once again.

"Now I really won't doubt whom you got your beauty. And the eyes, they're adorable." He said that flustered me and somewhat gave me warm cheeks.

"I got my eyes from dad's mom. I didn't know such thing could happen." I said and sighed, continuing to fix my stuffs.

"I didn't also knew such thing could happen..."


"That... You could fall to someone just by looking at their eyes." He said with a serious tone and face that only made my cheeks redden even more.

I then sighed and stood up after I have done fixing my stuffs and sat beside him, placing my hand on his neck and checked if he has a fever but he's totally fine.

"You're not sick, either..." I said that made him confusingly look at me with brow raised.

"What do you mean?"

"This is so not you. Y-you keep flustering me and you're being a complete different person. Did I went to the wrong person perhaps?" I asked that made him laugh and look at me in ridicule.

"Hana.." He started off and pulled me closer to him, brushing off a piece of hair that covered my left eyes and tucked it behind my ear.

"Didn't I told you yet? That because of you, I changed. I am becoming a totally different person because you changed the way I look at things, especially to you..." He said with his softest voice and pecked a kiss on my lips that somewhat startled me, he then only looked at me straight into my eyes and pierced me with his intimidating gaze.

"And I thank you so much for that..."


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