Part 21

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"Camping: Sudden Death."


I just finished taking a bath and is now about to enter my tent when I heard something rustling inside. I tried to peek but suddenly got pulled inside and pushed down the ground.

"What the f-ck, Jeonghan!" I cursed as he pinned my hands above my head and him locking me down the ground with his body on top of me.

"You haven't answered my question yet, did something happened between you?"

"What the hell are you even thinking of? Can't you see we're totally not fond of each other? And even if something would happen, what can you do about it?" I nagged and he sighed, leaning closer to my ear and whispered that gave me a slight tingle.

"Then I won't be the father."

"What the actual heck is wrong with you, Yoon Jeonghan? Please move away!"

"No, not until you tell me the truth."

"Are you out of your mind? What should I tell you? That he raped me? When in fact he didn't? Just get off!" I said and pushed him hard that made him move away from being on top of me. I sat down and glared at him as I fixed my top that had been crumpled when he went on top of me.

"Why is it even a big deal to you that I've been alone with a guy?"

"Because I hate it when guys stick around you."


"Hana, are you not coming?" Jae asked and I raised the coat I'm holding to show her. "I'll just return this to the owner. I'll follow up." I said and quickly ran over towards Daiki.

"Uh... Daiki, your coat. Thanks for letting me borrow it."

"No problem. Anyway... Who's that guy last night?"

"A-ah.. Just my friend. W-why?" I asked and he looked away and scratched the back of his neck.

"I-I was just flustered to his exclamations about me raping you... So I thought he's your boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that... Did he.. Confronted you about it?"

"No. Anyways even if he would confront me, I didn't even raped you, right?" He said that made me chuckle as I scratched the back of my neck. "Y-yeah... You're right. Thanks for lending me your coat again... I appreciate it." I said before parting ways with Daiki.

I haven't spoken to Jeonghan the whole day yet. I woke up earlier than everyone else and had my breakfast alone in the cafeteria and spent the rest of my time hanging out by myself on the small lobby on the back of the site. I haven't actually seen him yet and I don't mean to say that I am looking for him anyways.

And well unfortunately talking about haven't seen him, I saw him walking to the Quadrangle with a girl and they seem to know each other too, judging by the way—

Oh, that's C-Chaeyoung...

I confirmed it's Chaeyoung when she turned her head to face Jeonghan and they do seem to be friends. Jeonghan is even grinning and that's kind of a new sight for me.

I couldn't stop myself to clench my fists but what can I do? And why am I even acting like this? Is this...

No, you're not jealous.

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