Part 2

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I'm now on my way towards the campus entrance and met Jae and Jihyo on the way.

"Have you slept well?" Jae asked and I nodded.

"Mama and I had breakfast together, too." I said and well... They knew how it went so we just proceeded to enter inside the Campus.

"I booked us a seat for later's theatre play. Taeyeon and Hangyeol will be starring." Jihyo excitingly said and clinged her arms around mine.

"What do you say, Hana?"

"Uhm... Let's go?"

We altogether entered the hallways and my eyes caught two boys having a talk with each other on the other building, they don't seem fascinated but rather serious.


"I'm not telling you where she is." I said and he sighed, placing both of his hands on his pocket.

"Then don't, I can find her with my own efforts and I don't need your help."


"Even if you stash her in a safebox, I can get her out of there." He said and I gave up, sighing and waiting for his next words.

"I'm telling you this only for once. She lost her mom a few days ago and she had been sulking and crying over that matter and that she needs space and time to move on that pain. You need to leave her alone or else make everything worst for her." I warned him and he looked surprised after hearing my words.

"Her mom died?"

"Yes. And she blamed herself for that, she blamed it all to her and you don't know how I pitied her on how she looked, desperately alone.." I said and he looked down, thinking about something that I couldn't read off his mind.

"But don't worry anymore. I'm here and I promised that I will never make her feel that she's alone. You don't have to worry about anything because I, myself can and will take your place for her."

"Well... Then?" He started off, sighing and looking up to me again.

"I wish you the best of luck and... Take good care of her for me." He said and left, walking away with shoulders couldn't even rise up.

"I really will... Make her fall for me."

Back to being busy, classes started running hectic and we had been running through the hallways for rushed outputs.

"Hana, I think I forgot my laptop on the library. Can you go get it for me?" Taeyeon asked and I nodded before quickly leaving the room. The Campus is in total chaos, students rushing for professor's signature and permissions and the sound of papers being turned and the noise of humiliation. Wow, classes are really starting to almost end.

I entered the Library and silently went to our usual spot where Taeyeon carelessly left her laptop.

I took it and was about to leave when I caught someone on my peripheral vision, his gaze is all upon me that somewhat made me tremble and I know if I made it obvious that I noticed him, he'll make a move so with all of my courage, I quickly left the library without looking at him. Gosh, that's nerve-racking!

"Ugh, goodness! I hate it everytime we do this! Professors are playing hard to get and you need to convince them and prove them that you're desperate and worthy for their dirty signatures!" Jae blurted out and slumped herself on the chair. That's true, Professors at this seasons are hard to chase and you have to give them your all and impress them so that they will sign on your paper and so you can pass this School Year. Crazy, isn't it?

"I can't wait for this day to end. We'll be watching Taeyeon and Hangyeol later!" Jihyo said and even clapped in excitement. Their theatre play will be held after school and their performance is a part and a way to impress their professors and make them sign their papers. I'm indeed pretty sure they'll get it signed because a theatre play is a big performance and catchy.

"Let's go shall we? There are only few rows left for the front seat and we wouldn't want to lose a nice view." Jae said and we all agreed.

"Yeah, Mingyu also said he'll catch up so save a seat for him." Jihyo said and we altogether went to the venue and indeed, there are only a few seats on the front left. Some saved their seats by placing some stuffs there so they can be known occupied already.

But just when we're about to settle down, a bodyguard entered and is looking for someone.

"Goodness, I thought I would be touring around just to look for you, kid. Hana Choi, someone's waiting for you at the Main Office." The bodyguard said and I exchanged looks with Jae and Jihyo, not so sure if I know the person waiting for me but the certainty of thinking that it's Jeonghan is bugging me.

"I-I'll come back, girls." I said and left the venue with the bodyguard and escorted me up until in the Main Office's entrance.

"I can't enter with you because he wants you to have a private talk with him." The bodyguard said and my brows curled in confusion.

"Him? Was it a student?"

"No, he said he's a relative." The guard said and politely made his exit and left me no choice but to enter the office alone. Was it Uncle Troy? Mom's brother? But how did Uncle Troy knew I'm studying here and moved here in Seoul? What if it's not Uncle Troy? Then...

"Who could it be?"

I gently pressed the door open and a man sitting on a swivel chair holding a boquet of flowers welcomed me. He then noticed my presence that made him look at me and the surprised reaction wouldn't leave my face, my mouth just swung open and my body frozen on my spot as this man stood up and faced me with a big smile on his face that suddenly confused the hell out of me.

"H-hi, Hana..."


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