Part 48

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"Grey area of a promise."


"Oh, someone's finally home." Jeonghan said, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Here, as an apology..." I said and handed him a bag of takeout food.

"You sounded so depressed. Have you already realized it's lonesome without me?"

"N-no. I'm okay." I said and walked through him, placing down the sweaters I bought and walked upstairs, locking my room and I looked for somewhere I can hide the ultrasound I have from the OB-GYN.

I'm... pregnant. Indeed.

But how am I supposed to tell him?

Should I hide it from him?

No way!


"J-just a minute!" I quickly hid the papers under my bed and opened the door to him, acting all normal so he wouldn't think I'm into something.

"I like this one, I'll take it." He said and showed me the blue sweater I bought. "S-sure, I'll take mine too so I can prepare it for the day."


It's already Daiki's D-Day so we drove to the venue and the place will soon be filled with audiences from different regions.

"There's his team." Jeonghan said and pointed Daiki's team wearing navy green jerseys.

"It's him! That cute japanese guy!" The girls from behind us exclaimed and pointed out the newly-arrived guy from the team and I just realized it was Daiki.

"Aaaaa! He's so cute!"

"Wow, he's pretty known." I whispered to Jeonghan and chuckled.

I noticed that he had been lookibg around the whole arena, seems like he's looking for someone and finally, yes, it's us who's he's been looking for.

"Oh, Noona!!" He yelled and waved to us with a smile.

"Good luck!" I yelled back and smiled.

"Heck, I couldn't believe it. That's your younger brother, it creeps the shit out of me." Jeonghan muttered and acted like freezing cold.

"I didn't saw it coming like you did anyways." I said and smiles at him, clasping our mittened hands together for a better warmth.

The game started and Daiki is really doing well, a lot of people cheers for his team and that's a very touching moment for him. Well, as for me... I couldn't really stand the loud crowd cheering so I excused myself that I'll be going out for awhile and Jeonghan agreed and sat back there, enjoying the match.

As I walked through the arena hallway, someone not too far from where I am caught my attention. He's holding a sports bag and a pair of shoes that must be Daiki's stuffs and he just stopped after seeing me on the other side.

"W-wait." He called when I was about to turn away from him.

I held on my abdomen and slowly faced him but couldn't straightly look at his eyes.

"Did you came to cheer for him too..?"

"As I promised, for his happiness." I answered and he smiled.

"I'm happy you came. A-are you free? Let's have a—"

"I'm about to go somewhere else."

"But at least can you spare a small time with me?" He cuts me off again and nade me stop walking away. I sighed and faced him again with my brows curling as if I had really despised him, although I really do.

"But did you even spared us a small time when we needed you the most?" What I said made him stammer for words. I know this is over what I could say but I know myself this is true, he never did even looked back at us and just left.


"I completely despise the fact that I was born this way, to suffer this way, t-to.." My grasp on my abdomen kind of tightened as I realized I was not the only one partaking in this scene, even if I know what I'm carrying right now is not fully made yet, every bit still matters and that made me stop talking to this man.

"Get away from me."


"Get away from me!" I said and was about to leave when he held my bicep but he got pushed back and I was pulled away by force. Only to realize that it's Jeonghan.

"Please no harassing." He calmly spoke to Raul and tucked me between his arm.

"But that is my daughter—"

"I know, but I politely would like to speak, forcing her is some kind of harassment and I could fine you and call a police if she would allow me to." He said in the most respectful way and in the way that made Raul just stare at me.


"I just want to talk to her.."

"The time is not this time, she is not feeling very well and you're disturbing a very personal space of her. So, if you would excuse us." We walked pass through him and left the venue.

Jeonghan silently helped me sit back inside the car and he sat on the driver's seat, preparing to start the engine so we could head out of the place already.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded, looking out of the window to get some calming view of the cliff nearby.

"I felt bad for saying that, would you forgive me?"

"Forgive you? Why?" I asked and looked at him which he didn't returned the look at me and just stared at the steering wheel.

"He is your father, I... I am just no one but your boyfriend. I didn't put up some sperm to create you to just insult someone close to you like that so I apologize if I said anything disrespectful to him." He said and formed his lips on a line.

"When did he even became my father anyway?" I asked and he suddenly threw a stare at me.

"Was he even there when Mama and I were crumbling through depression? He wasn't there, not even in tough or happiest times. Years... I spent, living with just Mama and we celebrated a lot of events with just the two of us." I said. I knew he felt sympathy and held my hand, starting the engine as we left the venue.

"If it's gonna be us 'til the end, I'll make sure that we're gonna be the perfect definition of a 'family'. Where our child would never have to worry about suffering through the complications we had with our parents."

Listening to what he just said made me think about this kid inside me..

He doesn't know, but he's gonna be a father soon...

"We'll make sure to give her the love she deserves, the love we never felt from our parents." He said and kissed my hand with his other hand holding the steering wheel.


"Cross my heart, piece every organs in my body, I promise this to you, darling."

You're the best man a girl could ever have, darling...

And this kid, will surely be happy and thankful to have you... Us.


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