Part 5

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"Live in."


His words muffled in my ears that it even sounded so impossible.

"Why do you think we came there?" He asked and held both of my shoulders and made me look into him.

"We came there to save you. It only meant that I came there to save you and face the walls and accept death if I have to. We came there accepting if we would die while saving you. Hana..." He cupped my face and wiped the tears on my cheeks using his thumbs.

"If I have to die just so you can be safe, I would. If I have to be in trouble for you, I would... And if.. and if you leave... I'll do my best to find you." He said and his face slowly leaned closer to me and all I did is close my eyes and wait for his lips to part with mine.

His lips were soft and sweet, I felt my knees getting weak after realizing that Jeonghan.. Yoon Jeonghan..

Is kissing me.

His mouth wanted to enter mine so I gave in and gave him a better access as he explored my lips. I felt him grabbed me by the waist and pulled him closer to me as he kissed me more, I clinged my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

It feels so magical, the moment I never knew would come. I think it had been more than 3 minutes that we've been having in each other's lips when I suddenly felt his face starting to get wet, only to realize it's his tears falling down so I let go from the kiss and looked at him with worry.

"Why are you crying..?" I asked and he looked into my eyes and slowly, he hugged me, burying his face on my neck as he hugged me tightly and I could feel my shoulder getting more wet and realized he's already crying.

"I-I miss you..."

"I-I f-cking missed you so bad." He said between his sobs that somewhat moved me. I never been in this situation ever and this feels so overwhelming to me, that someone missed me like what Jeonghan felt.

I hugged him and lightly tapped his back as I cooed him to stop crying.

"Shh... I-I know, and.. I missed you too."

He pulled away from the hug and wiped his own tears, he looked at me and I could see the solid, true feelings he has right now.

"I-I went to your house right away when I read the letter and someone told me you already left that place... I came to look for you everywhere I know you would possibly go but I fail to see you... I-I contemplated night and day because of you, Hana. Y-You made me so crazy over you... More than Seoyeon did to me." He said and held both of my hands and made me look straight into his eyes.

"Promise me to never leave me again. Do you know how much I craved for your care and presence? I-I think I can't live without you again.." He said that made my mouth swung open in disbelief.

"Hana, live with me..."

"Mama... Today, I.. Uhm... Nothing much happened, actually. I just had a really tiring school day because of professors being so hard to get. I promise you I'll make everyone sign my paper so that I can pass this school year."

"And Mama... Yesterday..."

"I-I met Papa."

"He... Wanted me to come with him and take care of me in your place. But... As what I promised, I will never open my door to him ever again.. I will never let him come here to your grave and..."

"And Mama.. I kept your stuffs safe and will be ready to deliver back to our house at Gwangju. I just left the portrait of you and me as a remembrance and so that I can always see your beauty that I inherited." I said and caressed the gravestone of Mama and placed down a fresh daisy above.

"Mom.. This is me, Jeonghan. I missed your daughter a lot, as much as she misses you. Please guide me as I also watch and take care of your daughter..." Jeonghan said and knelt down, placing the bunch of fresh daisies above Mama's grave. I just admired him as he continued to give Mama a message.

"I will give her love and happiness. She will not be living alone anymore..." Jeonghan pulled me to him and finished his words with a smile.

"Because she'll be under the same roof with me." Jeonghan said and I warmly smiled to him and nodded.

Yes, I agreed on living with him. I had no choice after all, it's like a choice between picking a gold or a dirty cloth. It's either that if I decline living with him, I have to struggle on living alone and give myself more anxiety or live with him and to never feel alone and be happy knowing that I'm with someone whom I can goof around with.

"We hope you'd guide us through everything."

Jeonghan held my hand as we walked away from Mama's grave and left the cemetery. I know I shouldn't be happy yet but when I know I'm now with Jeonghan, I can.

"Let's have a new start together, shall we?"


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