Part 32

643 29 7

"Almost end."


It has been a while and I am fidgeting while I sat on the couch and felt lonely inside the Lobby, not until the door slowly opened and my heart suddenly started beating quite fast as I saw the boy again.

"Is this the lobby...?"

"Y-yes." I answered and he then entered, slowly walking his way towards the other couch across me to sit on.

"I guess you're here to wait for him." He said and smiled.

"Yes, I couldn't bare the sight actually but you know.. It's an order." I replied and then sighed, looking at him as I came up with my question.

"What about you... I thought.. You're not from Seoul?" I asked and he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yes, I was actually here because Father was having a meeting with the Chairman. I came here to visit him after he got promoted." He said and I smiled, "That's quite nice to hear.."

"What about you? Are from Seoul?"

"No, I'm from Gwangju. I transferred here."

"Really? My father was a citizen of Gwangju before, he met my mom in Japan and lived at Gangnam." He said and I nodded as a sign of understanding his statement.

"It's good you still have them with you."


"I mean.. Unlike me who lost my mother recently and my father is now with his new family." I said and sighed again, looking down and my shoulders heaved.

"I'm sorry to hear that, don't worry.. Although at times, father despises me, I still love him." He said and locked eyes with me, it's somewhat awkward but I saw his assurance so I just smiled.

The door then suddenly opened and Hans appeared, politely bowing before looking at the two of us.

"Miss Choi, Young Master is waiting for you."


We finally arrived home and Jeonghan hasn't been talking to me ever since we had left the building. He's all obvious, heavy, something's bothering him and he's obviously really tired. I understand that he cannot really talk to me at the moment because of his current situation, there's nothing to talk about anyways.

He didn't bothered eating dinner and so was I and just parted ways to enter our own bedrooms. I quickly did my night routine and sat down the bed, it's quite silent and boring, YoungHoon is fast asleep and the fact that there are loads of stuffs I can actually do, I still feel boring.

Not until...

The door suddenly opened and revealed Jeonghan, fast in his pajamas and his hair quite disheveled, his arm is also clawing his pillow and the other is scratching the back of his neck.

"Can I... join you?" He said that somewhat made me smile, "Absolutely."

He quickly went in to close the door and rushed to go to bed with me. His eyes were quite puffy and I can tell something just happened inside his room, privately.

"I guess you're quite bored too." He said and I nodded as we layed down together and looked up in the ceiling.

"You know what..." He started off and then sighed that made ne look at him in confusion as I wait for his next words.

"They said the strongest muscle in the body is the tongue." .

"Yeah, so what?" I asked and he looked back at me with a grin.

"Wanna wrestle?"

"What the f-ck?" I cursed that made him laugh and turn to face me.

"Come on~, it's quite fun you know."

"Hell no, I'm not— hey! Get off me!"

"Come on, you'll love it!~"

He then grasped on both of my hands so I cannot push him as he went on top of me, forcing me to do what he wanted us to do but I kept turning my head.

"Come on, darling you'll def—" Before he could even finally kiss me, something suddenly started scratching the door that disturbed us, Jeonghan sighed and then watched as YoungHoon successfully opened the door by himself.

"Genius, good job, son."

"How did he—"

"I... kinda taught him how to do that. Probably should lock the door next time." Jeonghan said and sighed, opening the door so YoungHoon could enter. Without even hesitating, YoungHoon jumped on my bed and lied down beside me, positioning himself to go to sleep already that made me smile. 

"Hey, hey, young man. First of all, that is my space, beside my girl." Jeonghan said and YoungHoon just stared at him with a 'Do-I-look-like-I-care?' look that made me laugh at Jeonghan.

"Are you seeing this shit right now? Get off!" Jeonghan growled but ended up competing a staring competition with YoungHoon which he didn't won and ended up sighing in defeat.

"Screw it! Your mother is mine! F-ck off!" Jeonghan frowned that made me laugh, scooting in the middle and tapped the free space beside me.

"Here, lie in this side so you both can sleep beside me." I said and Jeonghan glared at me as he lied down on the space I gave him and pulled me close to him, trapping me between his arms and spooned me from behind.

"I just wanted you for myself..." I heard him lowly said and gently pecked a kiss on my nape that gave me slight tickles.

"Good night, darling."


"School's over in two weeks and I am very happy all of you had been having tough times together just so you can all pass this year. Although there had been several malfunctions, you managed to raise yourselves and I can never doubt it again, this afternoon, the School Headmaster's office is open for the final signature for your clearances, be polite and do not forget to thank him after signing in to your papers, are we all clear?"

"Yes, Professor." We altogether answered and started packing our stuffs as we silently left the classroom, holding our clearances and part our ways to do our tasks.

I then accidentally bumped to someone which happens to be Mingyu, his papers fell so I helped him pick it up and apologized since i know it was my own fault.

"It's okay, b-by the way... Are you free after school 'til.. Tomorrow?" Mingyu asked and I hesitated before amswering. "I can clear my schedules.. Why?"

"I uh.. need assistance."


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