Part 4

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"I'd die."


The drizzle started to grow and pour as a heavy rain, yet Mingyu and I didn't minded it and dived deeper into the kiss, I clinged onto him and just let him kiss me and gave him more access. His lips were so soft and his tounge sloppy as he explored my mouth which I didn't conceded with.

The rain is pouring and thunder often rumbles, we're still here and not even minding of a single thing after having each other's lips. It made me lose my mind and the heavy feelings and negativity left me for awhile and I liked it.

After a few minutes of making out, I pulled away and looked at him in both confusion and satisfaction. Gosh, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him after..

We both went home with went clothes amd bodies soaked. He volunteered to cook something hot while I'm on the shower and he can follow up afterwards.

I exited the room wearing a comfy cloth and went to the kitchen to see him and he's now at the table serving our food.

"Take a bath first, you might catch a cold." I said and handed him the towel and he sprinted out of the room.

A few minutes passed and he went back clean and dry, we started to munch down the food he made with a silent atmosphere and awkwardness started to grow.

"By the way.. Thanks, Mingyu..."

"For what?"

For what? For what should I thank him? For comforting me?

"For... C-comforting me?" I doubtfully replied that made him chuckle.

"Am I great?" I don't know what could he be pointing out but that question definitely shook me off and made me gulp, not knowing what to reply.

"U-uh... W-what do you mean?"

"Did... Did I do good on comforting you?" He straightforwardly asked that made me look down and slowly nod.

"I uh... I admit I forgot all of this heavyness and anxiety I have when you did that for awhile. Well.. It can't be bad with that state." I replied and he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

"But I'm sorry. I should've known it would turn out like that... He said he was just a relative so I helped him get in contact with you." He said and I looked down, removing my smile as I remembered that man once again.

"Did he knew I live here?" I asked and he shook his head. That's a great relief then, I wouldn't like to welcome strangers.

"I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. At least I know him already rather than get more contact with him and be friends with him but clueless of his real identity." I said and he leaned on the chair, clasping his hands as he bowed down at me.


"Is it okay with you? T-the kiss?" He asked that stiffened me and made me chuckle nervously.

"Uhmm... I told you already, it's not bad." I said.

"Pleasured to hear that."

"But Mingyu..."


"I remembered when we had an argument, it's a long time already. Remember when I walked away from you when we're at the infirmary? Did you... Chased after me and tried to lock us inside the Janitor Room?" I asked and his brows curled and he looked at me with confusion all around his face.

"What do you mean? Why? What happened in there with you?" He asked that somewhat confused me too.

"W-wait, that wasn't you? Pulled me inside the Janitor's room and... Kissed me?" I asked and he leaned closer, still one hella confused and brows curling even more.

"That is certainly not me."

"Then who could that be?" I asked and looked out of nowhere and suddenly someone popped in my mind.

Could it be really Jeonghan?

"Hana, you didn't came back yesterday. You missed Taeyeon's first kiss!" Jihyo pouted and Taeyeon frowned at her.

"First kiss? Wait, what happened?"

"Taeyeon and Jeremy kissed!" Hangyeol excitedly exclaimed and Taeyeon hit her arm playfully and frowned.

"It was an accident! I told you!" Taeyeon nagged and crossed her arm.

"Actually, I had my first kiss too." Mingyu said while playing with his lollipop without even glancing at us. They seemed confused of what could Mingyu be talking about and meanwhile me, who knows what he means, looked down.

"Aw, your girlfriend? Come on, Mingyu introduce her to us."

"Oh, no. She wasn't my girlfriend. It was some kind of... Comfort." Mingyu said and I glared at him. What would they say if they knew it was me? It'd be embarassing!

"What a unique way of comforting you have." Jae said and winked at me. Wait.... Does she know?!

"Anyways, at least that kiss made the professors sign your papers. Dang, I'm jealous." Jihyo said and pouted.

I just finished going through hallways to catch up and and ask for our Professor's signature. I neatly fixed my works and since gates are still closed for hometime, I went to have a small refreshing walk on the newly built garden on the Campus' Backyard.

The place is quiet and seems like it's still less known for the students since it's just new. The smell of flowers were nice and the most catchy one, the daisies.

"Reminds me of you... Mama.." I lowly mumbled and bitterly smiled. It's a whole lot of pain, considering that I haven't moved on yet.

I then suddenly heard a rustling footsteps approaching and I turned around, seeing it's Jeonghan.

We had a small eye contact when I tried to leave and run but he catched me, hugging me from the back really tight and I could feel and hear his heavy breathing.

"D-damn... Please don't run away.." His voice cracked in desperation and total worry.

I tried to remove his grip and push him and faced him, not looking into his eyes.

"Please... I-I'm quite sensitive.." I said and he sighed, stepping close to me but I stepped back.

"Look, I-I know what happened and I felt sad to hear the news about you losing your mom. And... I felt sad losing you too.." He said that made me look at him. He... Felt sad?

"Why do you have to run away from me? Why did you left me?"

"I have to." I said that somewhat backed him and I could see the surprise through his eyes.

"Jeonghan... I-I have been blaming myself because of you almost dying. I-If not because of Mingyu saving you.. You could've died and I must be contemplating about everything.. Your death." I said and tears slowly started to form and fall down.

"I left because I have realized that the more I get to be with you, the more I likely to get you in trouble... And I don't want that." I said and looked down as small hicks escaped my lips and tears streamed consecutively down my face.

"B-because I know this is for your own sake.. I don't want to owe such precious life like yours.." I said.

I then suddenly felt his arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him and rested my head on his chest and him, resting his chin above my head.

"I'd die for you..."


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