Part 12

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A day passed by again and I feel more better than the other day, I convinced Jeonghan that I can already go to school since I don't have a fever anymore but it took us a definitely long time of argument just so he can let me go to school.

"We'll only have a community service! Stay here!"

"Come on, I love going out. Just let me go to school already!"


"Shut up, son. Your mom is being stubborn after she just recovered and I won't let this slid."

"Just let me—hey! Let go!"

"I told you to not leave!"

"I wanted to go to school!"





Our business got paused after the telephone rang, Jeonghan sighed and cleared his throat before answering the call.

"Hmm? Ah yes, I'll just handle something and I'll get going." He shortly answered and dropped the call.

"I'm leaving now—"

"I'm leaving too."

"Just f-cking stay here!"

"No! I wanted to come along!"

"For what? To get lost in the woods again? No, miss. I am not letting you go."

"Fine! You go! Shooo! Go, now!" I frustratingly sighed and turned my back at him, leaving the living room to him alone and just entered my room. What's between us in common for him to give me orders, anyway?

"I just wanted to go to school."

I heard the car engine started and I looked outside the window to see Jeonghan leaving the house. Crap, he really left me?

This isn't normal, why do I feel like I am being too obedient to him and always put myself down? I shouldn't let him dominate me, right?

My phone suddenly rang and registered Mingyu's name. Ah, for what?


"Can I talk to you?"


Being so silent and waiting for someone between us to break the ice, I'm here with Mingyu at a café. I can't go to school anyways and Jeonghan probably wouldn't know I'm out.

Of course I still couldn't forget what Mingyu has done to Jeonghan and that's why I still haven't spoken to him and I am actually waiting for him to speak up.

"I'm sorry."

"As you should." I said and he looked at me in confusion.

"I wasn't the one at fault here, he started it."

"No, you started it. If you didn't punched him, he wouldn't fight back."

"It's his fault, if he didn't threw me such insulting words I wouldn't have to punch him."

"You're wrong. It's all because of you being such a piss off." I straightforwardly said and he looked away, sighing in frustration as he looked back at me.

"So you're on his side now? Unbelievable. What sorcery did he used to poison your mind, huh?"

"He just said what he has to. I am not picking anyone between you guys who is right or wrong. Maybe what he said was right and what's also rightful for you to do is apologize to him." I said that made him unbelievably look at me and chuckle.

"Hell no. Why do I have to apologize at him?"

"You are at fault. Isn't it right to apologize when you've done something wrong? He's your brother."

"He doesn't even treat me as his brother, so why bother? I would never spit that words on him, not until he himself apologize to me first." He said and I sighed, leaning back on the chair and pierced him with a warning gaze before speaking.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You've caused chaos that day and you don't even feel any embarassment after all of it? I'm only asking you this single request, apologize."

"I've decided. Hell no." He said and I sighed for the last time and nodded.

"Fine. I've decided too. I will never let myself engage with you ever again up until you apologize to him. If even possible, I will break our friendship." I said and stood up, leaving him with mouth swung open and I left the café with hands fully decided.

"This is for your own good, anyways."


"I'm so obsessed with Young Master, Hana! O-oh.. M-my bad for saying that to you.." Jihyo said over the line and I chuckled as I poured a pack of treats to YoungHoon's food bowl.

"It's fine. What's with him?"

"You'll definitely love to see him! He helped a girl who got hit by a falling branch and carried her to the site and treated her wounds! This is such a rare sight, Young Master never done this before!" Jihyo excitingly exclaimed and I felt like somthing went wrong inside me that had me glitching.

"O-oh? Really? Then... How is he now?"

"He's fine. Taeyeon had the courage to even speak to him and said that you'll be so proud to hear the news!"

"Y-yeah! I'm so h-happy to hear the news! So... Is the girl alright now?"

"Yes, they're having a small talk for now because the girl wanted to thank him. Aw, looks like Young Master is trying to finally hit on girls. This never happened before, right Jae?"

Before even hearing Jae's respond, I dropped the call and bitterly smiled. Oh, for what? Why do I have to act like this?


"No, YoungHoon. I'm rushing to bed before your father comes back. If you can just speak and tell him to not disturb me, please do." I said and went upstairs, entering my room and dropped myself on the bed and fell asleep afterwards.


"Come on, why aren't you speaking to me? Don't tell me you still can't forgive me for not letting you go to school?" Jeonghan said and tried to chase me down the hallways, I just proceeded to walk and not respond to him ever since this whole morning.

"For real? I have to chase you the whole day and ask for forgiveness?"

I turned to the right and tried to enter the ladies' restroom and blocked the door when I noticed that he's planning to follow me inside.


I heard him chuckled and pushed away my hands that had been blocking his way and pushed me inside the bathroom, locking me on the sink with both of his hands that somewhat startled me because of his sudden actions.

"H-hey, what are you doing?!"

"Don't be so fierce of yourself. After all, I can still make you weak and left on your knees to me."

"Now, darling...."

"Won't you forgive me?"


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