Part 53

503 29 13

"Jihyo's apology."

Warning: Semi-sensitive scenes:))


"I know it's hard for you to believe such but for the least, will you still accept us?" Jeonghan repeated his few words and waited for the latter's respond.

The rest besides Jihyo bowed and smiled, nodding and slowly giving off a smile and Taeyeon rushed to me, hugging me.

"I-I'm so happy for you, Hana.." She broke into tears that softened me, making me hug her back with tears starting to form in my eyes as well.

I felt happy somehow, I wasn't expecting the events especially when Jihyo slapped me but I know she has her reasons for doing it and I would be ready to listen to it..

"So, when's the due?" Hangyeol asked and caressed my bump. "Around mid-April." I replied.

"But Young Master, how are you going to both manage a family and study?" Jae asked and Jeonghan fixed his tie, clearing his throat and faced the curious people.

"We decided we'll stop."

I could see the surprised reaction drawn all over their faces but they were eager to hear what Jeonghan would be saying next,

"I will be working under my father's company and provide support for them. But worry less, Hana included you to her concerns and decided to often let you visit home when you want to. I also agreed since I found circumstances of coming home late or even not coming home at any times when I'm working and would leave Hana and the baby alone so maybe that is not really a bad idea of letting you visit."

"After all, you've proved you're trustworthy." Jeonghan said before leaving.


"So.. that is how it came.." I finished off my story about how I became pregnant.

"If you don't mind me asking you.. w-was it.. p-painful?" Taeyeon asked and all of us blushed because of her question.


"D-do I really have to.. u-uh..—"

"No! Don't mind answering if you're flustered!" Taeyeon shook off the topic and Jae came out with another question.

"How was it? Is it really a pleasure—"

"Jae! Stop the questions! It's not good for the baby to get stressed out!" Hangyeol scolded Jae and slapped her arm.

"U-uh.. Honestly.. I didn't really felt much.. All I know is him leading it."

Flashback that night

Jeonghan slowly removed my top and his afterwards, his kisses were sloppy and he aims for dominance.

"A-ah... Jeonghan.." I whimpered as he tries to suck off my sensitive spot on my neck and he interlocks our hands together and pins it above my head.

A few moments later, I haven't realized that our clothes are already scattered around the area but we didn't minded it, not that we're still in each other's skin and lips are still in tact.

It feels like he's done this before based on how he definitely leads me, how he knows my sensitivities and how good he is at kissing and making me weaker.

But above all... I..

I love it..

"Are you ready?" He asked but though I was oblivious of what he's talking about, I nodded, him giving off a smile and buried his face on my neck as his grip on my hands tightened.

"This won't hurt, I promise.." He whispered and kissed my neck.

After I felt his wet kiss over my skin, I voiced out a few noises that I myself couldn't decipher what. I felt a new feeling building up inside me and it was all because of what Jeonghan has been doing.

"J-jeonghan! P-please!" I begged as I felt the pain faded into pleasure, he was completely good that I cannot say anything but his name.

Even under the dark room and the only light to support us was the moon, I could clearly see a smiling man above me, doing what he wanted to me, his smile was genuine that I know I haven't seen yet. Upon even of all the feelings I'm having while being thrusted in and out, I repayed him with a smile. It was quite weird but for us, it was an assurance.

"Damn, darling.. I love you so much, I fucking love you." He whispered and his pace went faster that made me release an even louder noise. Who would be hearing us anyways? We're in a forest, a good place to hide and fulfill a desire.

I love you too, Jeonghan..

End of flashback

"Hana! Are you okay? You haven't been talking much." Jihyo suddenly wavered her hand in front of me that made me kick myself back to reality. It's almost five in the evening and in a few minutes, Jeonghan will be coming back to get me.

The other girls are busy opening up their own liquor bottles while dancing while I sit at the sofa just watching them but I didn't realized I was thinking of that night again.

"Uh.. Hana, do you mind if I talk with you outside before you go?" Jihyo asked while being cautious that the girls would hear her.

This is it, she must be thinking of that too.


We're sitting at a small swing together and I just kept staring at her while she is preparing herself to speak up.

She is fidgety, this must be irking her for some time now but whatever it may be, I'm ready to listen to her.

"Uhm.. H-Hana.. About the slap.."

"Sure, I'm ready to listen. I know you have your reason why you slapped me, I know you wanted to apologize but also I wanted to listen why you did it." I said and she froze. I smiled and held both of her hands, "It's because we're best friends, right Jihyo?" I asked and smiled even wider.

Her lips started to form a pout and her eyes started to water. She sobbed and I caressed her back, tapping it momentarily to comfort her.

I have never been in this side of her, she's always the happy-go-lucky girl between us and she always aims for other people's happiness. But look, she's also this fragile..

I couldn't help but pity her.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry...!" She blurted between her sobs and I nodded, cooing her and pulled her into a hug. I made sure to fully cage her in my arms and give her all the forgiveness she deserves and the comfort she wants. It's just a single slap but she felt like she did more than that, like she just betrayed me or something.

"I'm sorry! I betrayed you!"



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