Part 58

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Jeonghan's POV

"R-really..?" This man couldn't believe those words would finally come out of Hana's own mouth, even me didn't saw it coming.

"I don't want to live a new life still having the past irking me, not soon that I will be giving birth and I wouldn't like to shoulder off a burden because of me being unforgiving." Hana said. She really is a considerate person, she thinks of others and what may be their places if she decides something for them, she may be failing at times but she wouldn't like to live off as a failure, she makes up for it which makes her very encouraging.

"I hate to say this, but forgiving you would be nonsense if I won't forgive you with all of my heart."

"But as I live and make sure my kid wouldn't suffer the way I did..."

"I-I wouldn't like you to step close. Not unless I would like you to." She said and stepped inside the house again, caressing her bump as she do so.

I looked back at the man still kneeling down the ground, tears falling in his eyes but I can see a small smile flashing from his lips.

"I didn't liked how you'd look like, crying but smiling like an idiot." I said and picked up the boquet in front of him. "I'll make sure she'll receive this. And.."

"Stand up. I do not want to dishonor you, not that I will marry your daughter soon." I said and turned back, walking my way back to the house.

"If you will..."

"Please, take care of her. As she said, I can't ever step close to my grand kid.."

"T-though I want to see him and carry him even just once... I would cherish that time if it'd ever happen." He said betwen his sobs. I understand what he wants to do, I can't wait to hold my son as well but our difference is that him, as a grandfather, wouldn't seem to have the chance to hold him because Hana decided not to, or if she just allows him to. Compared to me, the father can hold him as long as I want.

And I can't wait for that day to come, son...

"I thought you'd be turning away again, momma." I said and placed down the boquet in front of her as she sat on the couch while carefully massaging her bump.

"I don't want to be very cruel. It's good now that he knows he soon will have a grandson but I would like to distance him." Hana replied.

"I want to refresh my mind, like.. Have a new sort of peace of mind." She added and I smiled, resting my head on my palm as I admired her smile while she looks at her bump.

"Such a beautiful sight." I said and she looked at me, laughing and only made me smile wider.

"I will never get tired of looking at you like this because for me.."

"You're the most beautiful view, more than wherever places has the breath-taking sights.. My eyes will always choose you as the most beautiful one." I said that made her blush which I find very adorable.

"I love you, Hana."


"A-are you serious, man?!" Jisoo and Cheol couldn't believe it when I confessed them what has happened to me and Hana.

"Yeah, I wanted it and I don't regret my decision. All I wanted is just she'd stay with me." I said and picked up the diamond ring on the other glass case.

We're currently at a jewelry shop and I am looking for an engagement ring for Hana.

I was aiming for a diamond one that gives off a blue reflection when gets beamed with the sun. I had it in my thought since her eyes are dark blue and having a light blue in her finger would match it, I guess...

"I mean.. We're not really against it though.. We're just surprised to hear it coming from you." Cheol chuckled while scratching the back of his neck.

"But.. does she know about you and.. J-Jihyo?" Jisoo asked and I looked back at him, sighing before nodding.

"To tell you, it took me courage before I could. I was pretty sure she'd never look at me the same way if I tell her so I had the decision not to but the back of my mind tells me that if I won't say it. It's like I'm gonna live for the rest of my life commiting adultery." I said.

"It's just pure luck that Hana understood that. I don't want to think that she forgave it so easily because she's pregnant and losing me would trouble her. I think there's more to that and I don't want to fill the blanks myself." I said and payed the bills for the jewelry I bought for my proposal to Hana.

"It's not pure luck, man. She loves you and she sure is ready to forgive you regardless." Cheol said and we left the store.


Hana's POV

"Ahah! That dress is pretty, noona! It really shows your bump." Daiki said and laughed, helping me sit down.

"I'm close to letting him out, Daiki." I said and smiled and he awed.

"And does it mean I can also carry him and tell him I'm his uncle?!" He excitedly asked and my smiled dissipated for a while and I turned it back to assure him he can.

After all, I didn't really said I'd distance him to Daiki, he's a nice guy and I just couldn't believe that he's my half-brother.

"What's your family plans so far?" He asked and I leaned back on the chair.

"Well, it's been a few weeks when we just came to Gwangju and we came there to have some time planning our future together. What he said first is that I should have a proper delivery of the child because that is his top priority." 

"Did he mentioned about your marriage? Oh! I'll be willing to be a bride's maid!" He said and laughed.

To think of it.. He never mentioned anything about our marriage. He mention a lot about our future plans such as investing a house and vehicles but there never was a single plan for our marriage at all.

"W-well... Maybe he just forgot to mention it to me. But hopefully, we can have a good plan for marriage." I said.

"Wait, there's no mentioning about marriage? I mean... Why?"

"I don't know.." I replied and looked out of the restaurant's glass window.

Are you even planning on marrying me, Jeonghan?


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