Part 55

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"Marry you."


Two days passed, Jeonghan and I are now at the car, on our way to the Yoon Mansion for me to spend a day with his mom. They have plans for the two of us and Jeonghan agreed not unless that Master Yoon would turn me out the mansion.

While Jeonghan is now going to start his first day of work under his dad's company, training until he's ready for a wider view of his own future company.

"Don't put too much pressure on your work, okay?" I said as I fix his tie and his hair. "Mhm, you enjoy your day with mom. She said she wants to try things together with you so I'm trusting you to her." He said and I felt butterflies, Miss Yoon? F-for real?

"Right, before anything else..." He pulled me close to him, pecking a kiss to my lips and to my bump before finally going off to leave. Damn, sweet.

"Oh, Hana. You're here."

"O-oh, Miss Yoon.. Good morning!"

"Ah! Mom should be fine, you know." She said and chuckled. "Come in! I prepared the closet for you!"

Just as I have entered, I saw the Master sitting at the living room, his eyes were pinning me straight that I couldn't even look at him.

"Aiya, yeobo. Please be considerate with your son's wife."

W-wife, heck yeah.. I-I'm gonna be his wife soon..

"Now, sweetie. Do you have any allergies?" Miss Yoon said and I nodded, "Seafoods."

"Seafoods? Aiya, I hope you're not having a bad time picking foods with Jeonghan because the opposite of you, he loves seafoods."

"A-ah.. not actually, he don't eat seafood that much anymore after knowing I have allergies on it." I replied and she nodded. "That is true consideration. Take good care of your health, yeah? I wanted to see my grandkid get out of this world healthy." She said and smiled.

I'm shaking.. for what reason?


It's been a while and we are now at a park, Seungmin came along and we placed a blanket on the grass and sat there.

"I remember when Jeonghan used to come and have picnic with me back then." Miss Yoon said and I looked at her, she is smiling while watching Seungmin play with the other kids.

"He really has a lot of words to tell me back then but now, it's so often that he talks to me or to anyone else." Miss Yoon chuckled and I kind of felt bad for her.

"Does he do the same to you?" She asked and I shook my head with a smile and looked up the sky and watched the kite that is being controlled by Seungmin.

"He really loves telling me things. He spares time for me and a day won't end with him being a talkative guy." I said and we both laughed.

"It's been long since he became that person." She said and I looked at her in confusion.

"I bet you already know a lot of things about that girl, Seoyeon." She said and I nodded. I mean.. who wouldn't? She almost killed me just because of her undying love to Jeonghan.

"She's always been his strength. She's always there for him so we never worried about Jeonghan that much. We only got worried so much when she had left and Jeonghan changed a lot after that." She stated. This is never a new story to me, I have heard it multiple times already but everytime this topic pops up, it gets me everytime.

"But at least let us forget about her nor anything about them. It should be you whom we should focus, and to my grandkid as well." She said and gently tapped my bump.

"I finally get to escape such traitor. I almost thought I would have a daughter-in-law who killed my own son's happiness, but..." Miss Yoon held my hands and looked at my eyes as tears fell from hers.

"Thank you for coming to my son's life.. You made it so much better."

From her words, I felt like I am welcomed to a paradise, it almost seems so surreal, those words from a supreme family, whom I thought I couldn't get close to. I almost felt like I wouldn't have a chance on being one with them but Miss Yoon...

"I'm more than glad to be your mother-in-law." She said and smiled.

Right after she said those words, my mouth swung opened. Couldn't really believe that the Master Yoon's wife is accepting me, right now, right here in the most unexpected moment.

"T-thank you.."

"So please, Hana."

"Marry my son."


"How's your day?" Jeonghan asked while his eyes are fixated on the road way back home. I am just staring outside the window but his question awakened me, making me smile so suddenly.

"H-hey, why are you smiling suddenly?" He asked and I faced him, tears starting to form in my eyes that made him worry even more.

"Did she hurt you? Did she said something unpleasant? What?!" He hysterically asked but I chuckled, wiping away my tears but the more I keep it, the more it falls.


"She loves me!" I sobbed and Jeonghan stopped the car on the side of the road. Looking at me as I continued to let out tears of joy.

"She.. what?"

"S-she loves me, dad.. S-she said she wants me to marry you..."

I looked straight into Jeonghan eyes and I could see through his orbs that he was surprised on what I just said. He looked down for a moment and smiled, holding my hand and used his other hand to lift my chin and face him.

"I'm glad she loves you." He said and kissed me, as passionate as I could feel it. Really? He really stopped the car just so he could tell me those words and kiss me? This guy, really.

"Darling, don't worry.."

"Of course I won't let us get separated." He said that had me confused.


"What I mean is, I would promise you the promise I once failed." He said and caressed my bump.

"To our kid and to you as well..."

"I promise to marry you."


It's almost 2022 and I wanted to greet you all! Thank you for being here and non-stop supporting my story! Also, if you haven't checked yet, I made a new story.

You can check it out now, Parts 1 and 2 is now out and I hope you'd enjoy reading it!

Story: Isabella. A Jeon Wonwoo fanfiction.

Happy reading! ♡

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