Part 54

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"I'm so sorry! Do what you want to take revenge to me! Please!"

Revenge.. what's there to take revenge?

The night before

Jeonghan is on his knees, clinging onto me as he panted and kept repeating his words. "Forgive me."

Jeonghan had been fond with Jihyo for three years now, they're secretly going places and they were so private that neither of any of us noticed them. They were so good on covering that.

"Jihyo, w-we were just being good friends but we didn't realized we're already going too far.. Sometimes, all I think about is you when I hold her. W-when I think about what the fuck am I doing with her those times when you were there, when I was there caring for you but I'm holding another girl's hand."

"This is all my negligence.."

But I forgave him, because I love him and I don't want to lose him, not now that I am already in full decision that I will be dedicating my life for our future with the kid.

"I couldn't say this to you because I don't want you to leave. I already stopped meeting her secretly after I have confirmed you're pregnant and when I decided to do that to you. That's it. Please, don't leave with my kid..." He begged but all I could reply to him is a smile.

That never swinged once in my mind, that even the closest and trusted friend you have can betray you too. Trully, there's no one else in this world that is so reliable than you yourself.

This hurts me, but it's now nothing but the past, no one can take it all back and ruin it. All I can do now is accept it and forgive him..

"Jihyo..." I slowly removed my grip from her and felt my hand getting heavier. "Hana.."

I released a smile though I don't want to. "Jeonghan told me everything last night."


"It's alright, I can't do anything about it anymore. You've been together longer than we do but please, for my kid's sake..."

"Will you let go of him now?"

I heard a honk of a car outside and realized it's Jeonghan. He quickly spotted the two of us and he must have known what we're talking about. I took my bag and took one last glance to Jihyo before leaving my last word to her. "Please, my friend."


Christmas Eve came and it's snowing outside, YoungHoon is sitting at the window while he admired the falling flakes on the glass. Jeonghan and I are near the fireplace and raises our cup of hot cocoa.

"Merry Christmas, buddy." Jeonghan said and caressed my bump, putting his head above it to listen like the baby would even speak back to him which made me laugh.

"It's not like it's gonna speak to you, dad." I said between my laughs that made him frown.

"Cut it off, you're gonna be more guilty when its first word will be 'Dad'." He said and I frowned back. "That's impossible, I am the one who will give birth, that should be a payback, to tell me that its first word is 'Mom'."

"I bet another kid if it says 'Dad'." Jeonghan said that made me swing my mouth open in disbelief.

"What? Shouldn't be a single kid is enough?"

"Nope, it needs someone to play with. So we need to work harder, mom." Jeonghan said and winked at me that made me wince. "Oh, please. Giving birth is so much harder that you thought. It's not like you're just taking out groceries from the packages!" I grunted and he chuckled. "Well, that is just a bet if the baby says 'Dad'."

"If it says 'Mom', you're in charge of changing nappies." I said and Jeonghan stammered.

"W-wait, wa-what? A-aren't you gonna bet that we won't have another baby?" He asked and I smacked him playfully.

"That's my decision. Anyways, my bet is final and no, you can't disagree."

It's been silent for a while and we're just admiring the flames under the fire place, I could feel my bump slightly making weird movements, small movements that when I moved a bit, I suddenly felt nothing anymore.

"I was curious.." I started off and Jeonghan looked at me.

"How did you two became close?" I asked and Jeonghan looked away, it's obvious that he knows what I'm talking about because he suddenly reacted and his fingers started tapping his mug.

"It was mid-autumn festival. I was just walking all over the area where they pile some residues that I know nothing. I saw her there, just quietly admiring some of those things. I don't know, I suddenly smile because I think it's not a place suitable for her but she's there, adorably admiring that disgusting things."

"Then she suddenly noticed me smiling at her that I didn't had much time keeping it so she laughed at me, getting all flustered and blushed at my smile."

"I don't know what happened next, or most likely, I forgot. But all I know is that I found her adorable that time. And.. anyways.."

"Why are you so curious?" He asked and I smiled. "Because your eyes tell me you loved her, and because of me, you had no choice but to leave her." I said and he sighed.

"It wasn't a decision I'd regret after all. I have a bigger responsibility upon you and I have realized how much I indebted, I lack the words to say this but I hope you'd understand how much I despised myself for turning you away multiple times just so I can spend a time with her." He said.

"I don't mind, I just hope you'd really live up your promises to me, won't betray me anymore.."

"Not that you're gonna be a dad soon." I said and kissed his forehead.

"You deserve a second chance." I added.


"It's rare for someone to trully deserve it, but getting that chance is far more better than having golds in your hands. When I gave you another chance, it only means that I wanted you to try again, to build yourself again, much better and above all..."

"I trust you."


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