Part 7

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"Should I be jealous?"


Night time came and I just went out of the shower and I headed downstairs seeing Jeonghan fixing the dinner table for the two of us.

"Haven't you seen the pair of pajamas I placed inside your closet?"

"Which one?"

"The plain pink one, is it not there?"

"I don't know, I didn't noticed it." I said and he chuckled as we both settled down to eat dinner. Yunghoon also joined us eat while he eats his own cat food.

"I placed that pair of pajamas there for you because I have the same pair, goals right?" He said and I nodded, chuckling at him.

The next morning came and I woke up feeling really light and energetic, I think it's because of the soft and fluffy matress that made me feel this way. I did my hygiene before going downstairs straight into the kitchen only to see Jeonghan making breakfast already.

"Good morning." He warmly greeted and placed down a cup of coffee in front of me.

"I should be the one serving you, not the other way around." I complained and he chuckled as he sat down across me.

"You left your job, remember? So I have taken over your job and your title as my personal housemaid is gone. From now on..."

"You're just Hana, my personal health care companion and my happy virus." He said that made me laugh heartily.

"Do I look like Baymax to you? Am I fat? Am I?"

"I don't mean it like that. Even if you're fat it won't change the way I look at you, you're irresistible, adorable... Beautiful." He said with eyes gazing straight into mine that flustered me. I never expected this words to come out of Jeonghan's lips, I have gotten used to his lesser bubbly attitude, cold, somewhat distant and often gives me an attitude. But after a while and after things have moved different around us, he changed, this wasn't him. This is never the Jeonghan I expected to come to me.



"I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"I-I don't know why I'm scared after all of this, you've became... So different. Where's this Jeonghan that had been so sulky and always gives me an attitude? That Jeonghan that often throws tantrums? This is so not you." I said and his smile disappeared for a while and went back up with a big smile flashing right in front of my eyes.

"Hana.. Do I always have to repeat myself to you?"

"No, but..." Just before I could even continue speaking, he reached out to hold my hand and massaged it with his eyes piercing mine.

"I realized that because of you, I saw the other side of the world. I saw a whole new side of the world without even travelling, I saw it just by looking at you. You filled the gaps and you gave me what I have been losing. When you left, I felt like I lost something more than important, I didn't got used to it because I got used on to waking up seeing you on a daily basis. The thing is... You gave so much impact to my life." He said and tucked a strip of hair behind my ear.

"Furthermore, I realized that I have gotten used on having you around me and that I get my strength from you. It may sound cheesy but this is all true, out of my heart." He said and sincerity gushed out of his eyes and his grip on my hand grew tighter as he looked down on me with glowing eyes.


"Don't be scared anymore. If I have to remind you about this at times, I will always repeat this to you."


H-he called me, d-darling?

Fudge, my heart is pumping so fast..

I'm currently walking down the Campus hallway without even minding about my sorroundings which made me bump into a hard chest, Mingyu's.

"Watch where you're going." He said with an irritated tone and glared at me that made me wonder why he's being an attitude again.

"Why are you irritated? I'm sorry, okay?" I said and frowned, rolling my eyes and just proceeded to walk through but I felt him followed me.

"Now what?"

"Where do you live now?" He asked that pierced me right where I am now, my mind is now patting for an answer to his question.

"U-uhm.. I-I—" I got cut off when a hand rested on my shoulder and his facial expression is gushing off with an intense look towards Mingyu.

"She lives with me."

I could see the rivalry in their eyes as they looked each other—wait.. Rivalry?!

"Should I be jealous?" Mingyu said and his jaw locked as he looked at me with eyes telling me that I should explain myself with this matter.

"I guess? I mean... It's somewhat envious, right?" Jeonghan said as he smirked, partially teasing Mingyu.

"Look who had the audacity after wishing me the best for her? Cocky." Mingyu said and stepped forward but I stood between them before they could even start a fight.

"I thought you'd look after her? Sorry that I slipped, I got her with just a plead." Jeonghan said, stepping forward as well.

"Stop, don't make a scene here.."

"I couldn't even imagine myself being so pitiful the way you looked when she won't even show up to you. Now? You're bragging because she already went back to you. Sometimes I also wondered why I even had the decision of helping you survive." Mingyu said and Jeonghan pulled his collar and is about to aim for a punch when I stopped him and pushed them away from each other.

"Don't you dare speak to me like you're even on the same level as me. Remember that you're the mistake here and you only had the fortune of my family because of your slutty mother. And it's not my problem if you think about helping me live when you can just let me die. Your blood circulating inside me makes me feel so disgusted." Jeonghan replied with a hard rock tone and before I could even realize it, Jeonghan is now on the ground with the side of his lip bleeding.



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