Part 63

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A few days passed and every night I couldn't have a peaceful sleep because of that same, mysterious person that appears there in front of the gate and it just stays there at the same time of the day, 6-8pm.

It's currently 7:32 in the evening and Jeonghan is in Jihoon's room and is lulling him to sleep. I just had this weird feeling that I had to do something about that person because the way it just stalks us is unusual.

I made sure first that Jeonghan doesn't notice me come out of the house since he doesn't allow me to come out alone and it's already dark outside but this is an opportunity to confront that person so I sneaked out.

Of course, I made sure that that stalker doesn't notice me come out of the house so I exited through the backdoor and observed if it's still there.

Thud, thud, thud..

Shoot! My heart's pounding!

Do I look like I'm in a suspense movie or something? I just want to know why that person always goes on our fronts at this time!


I checked on the gate a bit closer to see if the person was still there but no one's there anymore, not even a single shadow. I checked on my watch and saw that it's 7:51pm. I can't be assured that it's gone already, right?—

"What are you doing here?" It almost feels like my soul left my body after someone covered my mouth and held me tightly, only to realize it's Jeonghan.


He went out of the gates and checked from left to right and even behind the bushes and trees around but there's no one.

"Don't you know what danger could be waiting for you if you're doing this without my knowledge?!" He held on both of my shoulders tight and it shrieked me that I couldn't speak properly.

"Let's go inside, first of all." He said and pulled me by force that just gives me two fears, one is the fear of him being angry because I left without telling him and second, is the fear of saying anything to him about that person.

He pushed me on the couch and he sat beside me, desperately looked at me and begged for an answer.

"What's wrong? Are you breaking a nerve already?" His tone of speaking is different and it seems to me that he wasn't happy about what I did—I mean, yeah who would be happy to hear someone disobeying your orders?

"Answer me, Hana! Fuck!" He groaned and that gave me chills, so bad that I felt like I could get killed.

"I-I was... I-I'm.. being stalked." I stattered and he suddenly went silent, surprised after I answered.

"It's been a few days now and I had the idea of confronting the person because it creeps me."

"Confronting it just like that? What are you, a detective or something? You're acting like a sick hero for yourself, Hana!" He said that somewhat hurted me.

"Did you even thinked twice before doing it? What if that person is armed and shoots you in a distance? Or knife you and hold you hostage? Don't you even think of what would happen to you with your careless acts?"

"You're not a superhero so stop acting like one, dammit!" He said and held his head with both of his hands.

I was so surprised to what words came out of his mouth and it made me speechless, it hurted me, yes it did but it's my own fault so I have to accept it.

"J-jeonghan.. I-I'm sorry—"

"Yeah, you should be sorry about what you did. It's clearly unacceptable and it's making me so so damn frustrated!" He blurted and Jihoon's loud cry suddenly echoed around the house.

"I'll take him back to sleep. You reflect on what you just did." Jeonghan said and left to run to Jihoon's room and stop him from crying.

My hand's trembling and I couldn't stop the tears from falling anymore..

This is the first time I've seen Jeonghan like that, angry and his tone was so different that you couldn't recognize that it's from him.

The night passed that I waited for him to come out of Jihoon's room but he didn't, only then I realized he fell asleep there beside Jihoon's crib.

"He's really mad at me..."


The morning came and Jeonghan didn't talked to me and just left for work. He didn't even ate the food I made for him or gave me a kiss before he leaves.

"Hey, what's up? You're being dazed." Mingyu asked and raised a brow at me.

"It's nothing, I didn't just had a good sleep last night." I replied and he gave me a 'tsk' as he placed down Jihoon on his crib and he sat beside me.

"Did something happened between you and hyung?" He asked and I looked at him, stammering for words.

"U-uh.. That's nothing, j-just a small argument."

"Small argument? He didn't even looked at you before he left this morning. Why?" He asked and I sighed in defeat and looked at him with worry covering my way of looking at him.

"I went out last night without him knowing because I wanted to confront a stalker that had been stalking me for a week now."

"And? What did he do?"

"He.. y-you know, didn't liked it that I recklessly did such and there, he got mad and said a lot of.. words to me." I said in a very low tone and it took him a few minutes to understand all that I said to him.

"You know what? This is unacceptable." He said and stood up, taking his coat and was about to leave when I stopped him.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked and he looked down at me with a glare.

"Helping you, of course. Now wait here until I beat that guy's ass."

"Mingyu, wait!"

He didn't stopped when I told him to and continued to leave. I just sighed and didn't tried to follow him since no one will be left to watch Jihoon as if I'd restrain Mingyu's anger.

"Shh, baby. Mommy's here..." I cooed Jihoon as he started to cry.

"Shh.. It's gonna be okay, baby..."

Everything's gonna be alright—

Thud, thud, thud...

Grr! My heart's pounding again!


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