Part 36

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"Something's wrong here."


"W-what do you mean?"

"I forgot to tell you that the door has an auto-lock feature."

"So.. What does it mean?"

"We're locked from the outside." Daiki said and facepalmed in full disappointment. I worried knowing that this is a Freezer Room and it's temperature router is on the outside.

"What do we do now..?"

"I guess, seek help."

"I left my phone on the Kitchen Island."

"Damn.. Now we're helpless."

I sat down and fixed my lab coat, the temperature is dropping and we are stucked here, with no signs of any help and we have no idea what will happen to us.

"Are you okay?" Daiki asked and I nodded.

Daiki went back to the shelves and is looking for something, I stayed beside the metal door and just watched him lurk around the cold room and heard him called me after a few minutes of rustling on himself around.

"I found a place."

He sat on the corner of the shelf and tapped the side of him for me to sit on.

"This is where I think is quite warm so let's stay here."

We sat down beside each other, the lab coat is the only thing that is helping us get warm inside the room and I feel a bit shaky already.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here with me, H-Hana.."

"It's not your fault, Daiki. Don't be sorry.."

"If I hadn't agreed with you coming over with me, it should only be me getting stucked here." He said that made me chuckle at him.

"It's better that we're stucked here together. Don't ever think about being alone." I said and sighed, a steam of light smoke coming out of my mouth as I breathed.

"What about your friend.. J-jeonghan-hyung?"

"What if he'd think that I did something to you again?" Daiki looked at me with worry drawn all over his face.

"He'll be okay, don't worry about him getting mad."

"But is he really not your boyfriend?" He asked and I went speechless for awhile and then sighed.

"I.. Don't even know what we are in common. I mean.. Yeah—we.. Kissed, we live together but.. What I'm dead confused is what I really feel about him."

"We never swore to be a couple yet so how can I say he's my boyfriend..?"

"So you're saying.. He likes you but you don't?"

"It's not like that, Daiki.. It's—" Was about to continue my words but stopped and just sighed.

"It's what?"

"It's not necessary."

"You'll know when you love someone or not." He then added that made me look at him in confusion.


"See, I'm not experienced at love at all but I tell you..."

"If you don't feel like you hate him nor the things he does to you, I guess you feel comfortable in his side and when you know you get jealous when he's with another girl, that's when you'll know you're into him already." He longly stated and I looked at my feet, so does this mean...

"I-I'm into him...?"

"I couldn't possibly say that you are but if you do, it's never too late for you to admit. Remember, it can never be a constant love what he feels for you." He said and smiled, his wrinkles getting obvious that somewhat looked adorable to look at.

"I was naïve, I gave this advice to you because I don't want you to suffer the way I did." He said and I looked at him and he looked back.

"Did you?"

"She's a good friend. I was just too late to realize that I'm already into her so when I admitted my feelings for her, she's already taken by someone else." He said and his eyes fell sad, the small smile from his lips disappearing for awhile but then came back bigger.

"So I guess your time is still long, but don't just do nothing."

It's been a while and I'm leaning my head back on the shelf and my eyes are fixated on the semi-dim light in the ceiling. Daiki is silent after that conversation awhile ago.

I closed my eyes as I could already feel the cold getting more intense, I clasped my hands and rubbed them together to keep my hands warm.

"Daiki, are you okay?" I asked and looked at Daiki who's now leaned back at the shelf and his eyes closed.


"I'm okay, don't worry."

"What about you?" He asked and I sighed, thick steam coming out of my mouth that caught him off guard.

"That's not good." He said and scooted closer to me.

"I'm worried you might get sick."

"Don't worry, let's just hope we won't." I said and closed my eyes as I felt my eyelids heavying... Afterwards I realized I'm slowly starting to fall into a small nap.


I woke up from a cold hand, I felt a weight around my body and looked up seeing Daiki's face only an inch close to my face that somewhat startled me. His arms are wrapped around me as his lab coat is covering us, serving as a blanket, he's fast asleep too so I couldn't do anything.

I layed back my head again to his shoulder, half of my face being so close to him that I felt somewhat discomforted.

"H-h...H-hoooh...." Daiki lowly mumbled as he shivered, his shoulders also popped off a bit. He's freezing...

I couldn't possibly think of anything to help him except for one thing.

I wrapped my arms around him and shared my warmth that somewhat disturbed his nap and he looked at me in confusion.


"We'll get out soon, let's just help each other by the mean time." I said and smiled, it took him quite some time before smiling back at me so I chuckled at him, a thick steam coming out of our mouths as we do so.

And at that moment, I forgot what position Daiki and I are into, faces only inches close to each other, arms around each other's body, what else... ?

"Isn't it.. Cozy?"

*metal bangs*

The banging of a metal thing startled us and we both fell confused, looking at each other.

"W-what was that?!"


Q: What should I call you, guys? I feel like I've been here for a long time and had friends or what do I call this... Fans? I couldn't think of what to possibly call them so any suggestions? :))))

And hey! Happy 26k reads on Book 1 !!! OMG THIS IS SO SURPRISING!! TYSM Y'ALL I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! ♡♡♡

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