Part 51

501 34 2

"Revelation (For real)"


"W-what?" I stattered and he held both of my shoulders as his hands trembled.

"Tell me.. p-please." He restrained himself from shouting at me and his eyes show mixed emotions and that scared me.

"I need to know, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" He shook me that gave me more chills, the more he shook me, the more I get lost for words to say.

"F-fuck.. Please." He knelt down and his breaths were heavy as if he's being delirious.

"J-jeonghan..." I knelt at his height and tried to coo him but his eyes pierced me with all of what he has been bearing that made me realize what he has gone to.

He's in doubt.

"Hana, tell me.. tell me, please." He pleaded one last time before I looked down, nodding slowly as I bit my lip.

"Y-yes.. I-I'm pregnant."

Did we even thought about this would come before doing 'it'? Or we just let our lust provoke us and made us lose ourselves.

This is the worst case of being careless, if I had only realized we're not under any circumstances of birth control, this wouldn't happen. But...

"I'm sorry I kept this to you, I-I was just scared that you might throw me away if you'd know I'm pregnant. I-I don't know what words should I tell you either so I just kept it.. I doubted.."

"I was scared that you might gross out to know that I am pregnant and I don't know what should I do..."

"I-I'm sorry..."

"When did you knew?" He asked and I stammered before finally got up a word to reply. "A-a few months ago.."

"A few months? So.. H-how many months are you..?"

"Four months." I lowly replied and I looked at him, still scared of his aura that has been sorrounding me the whole time.

"Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck this!" He stood up, slamming both of his hands on the table. I felt a tear slid down my eye but there's still a question that I haven't asked him.


"Are you taking responsibility?" I asked and he rose up his head but didn't looked back at me for awhile. There's only two or three possible answers from him, he'll say No and would definitely kick me out, he'll say no but lets me live here but.. Might plan an abortion and the unsure, he might say yes.

He sighed and slowly faced me, his mouth halfway open and his brow raised.

"Y-you are the reason why I'm pregnant, t-this is yours.."

"B-back there at the place where we put up a getaway.. W-we did 'it'..." I added, hoping he'd remember and would have a clear picture of it.

"I-I am.. what?" He was still speechless so I sighed, repeating and giving him a clearer meaning of what I said.

"You're the father, Jeonghan."


Jeonghan's POV

"You're the father, Jeonghan."

It feels so unreal to hear such but after she gave a few clues as to why she gotten pregnant, I remembered it all. It was then when I had a quarrel with Dad.. And.. We ran away.

I am..

"I'm gonna be a father!!!"

I picked her up and turned her around, kissing her passionately and with all of the joy I have been feeling after hearing those words. I held her gently after realizing that I'm being too tight on holding her already and continued to kiss her.

Maybe this was too early but..

"I'm willing to take responsibility." I said and she smiled, I knelt down on the height of her tummy and mildly stroked it, kissing it as well and smiled. "Hey, bud. I'm sorry for causing you trouble.. I promised her, I am willing to take responsibility and I will do all it takes just to give her.. and that includes you a better life."

Shit, this feels so overwhelming..


Hana's POV

At this point, the turning of a very scary part became happy after I revealed that he is the father. Well, I am certain he is because he took it, he took my first. It was all him who I'd had my first and I am not regretting it now, not that I know I'm already certain that he's responsible.

"I'm so sorry for shaking you so much earlier, darling. I did that to give you much damage if you'd reveal that the father isn't me." He said that quite offended me which made me slap his arm.

"You moron, you took my first! Of course it's gonna be yours." I said and we laughed together.

"It's so surreal, we're gonna be parents soon!" He said and jumped high, punching the air our of excitement and YoungHoon looked at him. "Man, you'll have a sibling soon!" He said and raised YoungHoon and turned around with him happily.

This moment was so unexpected, to the turning point of every painful moment became the happiest, it couldn't get any better.


"The Young Master came home." The housemaid announced that echoed all throughout the Yoon Mansion and every single housemaid stopped their chores to face the Young Master and bow before him.

"Hyung! You're back!" Seungmin ran down the grand staircase to march his way towards Jeonghan.

"Welcome home, son." Jeonghan's mother greeted him with a kiss which he afterwards wiped away from his cheeks.

"Noona!" Seungmin waved at me and I smiled at him, behaving myself from all of this heavy presence.

"Who said you were still welcome after a decision you've carelessly made?"

From above the steps up the grand staircase, the loud and scary voice of Master Yoon echoed that gave chills down my spine.

"I came here because I..." Jeonghan stopped and looked down, feeling guilty upon his carelessness and he knelt down before his own family.

"I wanted to apologuze and take back what I said to you, F-father.."

I gave off a small smile after hearing him say those words. It took him a lot of courage to say it in front of his own family and swallow his own pride. It's only possible because of one reason, For his future family's sake.

"So, have you already accepted your fate? That you must not marry her and leave her so you could have a brighter view of your future?" Master Yoon chuckled but Jeonghan wasn't delighted to hear such. He stood up and looked at his father straight into his eyes.

"I am accepting what you wanted for me, but I don't like your idea of me leaving her..."

"Not now that I have her kid."

Everyone was too surprised to what Jeonghan said, especially the man upon everyone.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked and Jeonghan pulled me close to him, which made me look up to the Master with a very confused and surprised look.

"She's pregnant, and I am the father."


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