Part 46

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Jeonghan asked as he tucked me into bed.

"Y-yeah, I just felt dizzy." I said and he formed his lips into a line, raising a brow at me.

"I don't think you're okay. Are you homesick?" He asked and I blushed.

"I-I guess so..."

"You miss our house at Seoul? C'mere.. We'll be back home before the week ends so you won't ever feel like this again." He said and pecked a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.

Only if you knew...


"You sure you haven't forgotten something?" Jeonghan asked me for the 5th time already that made me really annoyed and I threw a glare at him.

"It's been the fifth time, Yoon Jeonghan. We're already in the car, just go drive off." I growled at him and looked outside the window. He was speechless of my sudden outburst and he just silently sat on the driver's seat.

"What's with the tantrum anyways?" He lowly asked as he started the engine.

It's been quite a silent ride back to Seoul and I'm kinda feeling hungry. I felt somehow embarassed by my earlier behavior and that I don't wanna talk to Jeonghan after that happened.

But my stomach suddenly growled loudly.

"Oh, I thought I heard a growl." Jeonghan chuckled and I held my stomach, restraining it from growling again.

"You hungry?"

"No, thank you—" And it growled even louder that made Jeonghan laugh hilariously.

"Alright, we'll stop over. What do you wanna eat?"

"Iced cereal." I shortly replied that made him stop the car and look at me with a brow raised.

"Iced what? Cereal? Are you crazy?"

"No, forget that. I want a chocolate with mayonnaise."



Jeonghan settled for awhile but still has his brow raised at me, disbelieving my statement.

"Are you sure you want them? I mean..."

"I want them. I want chocolate dipped in mayonnaise." Jeonghan grossed out with my words but ended up agreeing.

We stopped in front of a convenient store and he bought me 2 bars of chocolate and a jar of mayonnaise while he bought himself 2 tacos and 2 coke in cans for us. While his right hand is holding on his taco and his left is holding the steering wheel, my hands were busier as I'm dipping the chocolate on the mayonnaise and I even have the big smile plastered on my face as I do so.

"No offense but when did you started to like these shits? I mean.. Why combine them?"

"Uh... It's just a random craving."

"Huh? Why? You on a period or something?"


Speaking of period.. I have been 2-3 weeks delayed already and I am starting to get pretty nervous about it. I have never had an irregular red month so this is kinda new to me.

"Hmm? You look pale after I asked you about your period."

"U-uh... I.."


"I.. Have been 2-3 weeks delayed."

"Huh? Isn't it irregular month? I mean.. I have just overheard that from the two ladies inside the store awhile ago." Jeonghan replied and took another bite on his taco.

"R-right... I must be having an irregular month..."

"And uh... Jeonghan?"

"Yes, darling?"

"I'm sorry about my sudden mood earlier before." I lowly said as I look down in embarassment.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. It's about my tantrum."

"Aw, that's pretty fine. I'll always tolerate whatever attitude you give me, darling. I will never hate you just because of a sudden outburst of emotions." He said and smiled at me. "Get it?" He asked and I nodded.


We finally arrived back in Seoul and the first thing I did after getting off the car is run inside the house and kneel in front of the toilet to vomit what I just ate awhile ago.

"Darling, keep it calm okay? Just vomit it off..." Jeonghan cooed me from behind and pulled my hair up into a ponytail as I continued to vomit.

"I knew that chocolate dipped in mayonnaise is gross." He said and chuckled as he took a tissue and wiped my mouth.

"Among all of the cravings I have heard from people, you have the craziest one." He said and we both chuckled.

This is not good.

It's never good.

"I'll prepare the bed so you can take a rest while I unpack our stuffs from the trip, okay?" Jeonghan said as he helped me walk my way inside my room.


"Honey, I haven't catch up on whom you're having a vacation with." Mama asked and I answered Mingyu's name without even thinking of what would happen next so Mama gave me a surprised reaction.

"O-oh.. Then.. I hope you'd wear protection but.. I already been wanting a granddaughter actually.." Mama said while scratching the back of her neck that made me so shocked that my mouth wouldn't even close.

"Mama! I-It's not what you think!"

"Well, what can you expect from a parent? You're going out with a guy and what first comes to a parent's mind is what you think! At least give me a granddaughter before I die." Mama said and I facepalmed in embarassment.

"Mama, you won't die yet. You're only 38 years old for goodness sake! You're too young to die." I said in between my palms and sighed heavily.

"And I don't even have a boyfriend yet so you can't expect me to have a baby. Mingyu is just my guy friend, a very reliable friend and he's a gay." I said and Mama gave me an unbelievable look.

"Gay can still make you pregnant." Mama lowly whispered and I grunted.

"Stop it, Mama! Agh!" I frustratingly pulled my hair that made Mama laugh.

Were you expecting I'd be pregnant and Mingyu's the father...?


"Have I failed you?"


Jeonghan suddenly appeared at my door and I looked back at him. I haven't really took a sleep when he told me to and I just sat on the bed, thinking about this confusing and nerve-racking situation I am.

"You good? I just called a doctor to come by to come check on you. He's on his way."



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