Part 39

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"Truth Revealed."


Evening passed and sun's about to rise, Jeonghan didn't came back since yesterday while me, I haven't had a single nap and still in thoughts of what happened yesterday.

What in the world is happening already.

I.. I should've came to him when I still have the right time.. Not that it's already too late.


"I'm sorry, YoungHoon... I don't feel like playing with you." I said and stood up from being seated in the middle of the room and went to the veranda, watching as the sun started to slowly rise.

Goosebumps started to appear from the surface of my skin and as I felt a cold wind passed by, something's not right tho..

Walking like a zombie, slow and not even minding my sorroundings, I walked my way towards Mama's gravestone and a wilted daisy is still above the stone.

I fell on my knees and bitterly smiled as I removed the flower from the stone and caressed Mama's engraved name above it.

"M-mama... I'm such a stupid being."

"Why am I even so confused about what I really feel about Jeonghan but math equations were just a piece of cake for me...?"

"I've taken advices but when they told me to do it before it's too late..."

"I-It's too late already..."

My tears fell one by one above Mama's gravestone and I remained there, filling each gaps with my tears.

"I-If only you're still alive... I-I could still receive those gentle and warmest hugs from you everytime I cry..."

"M-mama, I miss you..."

"We miss you, Veronica."

It almost looked like time has stopped just as my tears also stopped falling as I heard the familiar voice behind me and a noise of grass.

My eyes just went bulging out in surprise but I couldn't bring myself to look back at him.

"I'm still sad to hear you're already gone.."

"Why are you even here?" I asked as I stood up but my back is still facing him.

"I-I came to visit but didn't thought you'd go—"

"Who allowed you to take steps closer to her grave? What rights do you have left? Who the heck do you think you are?!" I asked and finally had the courage to face him with my eyes started to get watery again and my fists clenching.

"I've been.. A part of her life once..."

"She never claimed you as a part of her life, not even a single word came out of her mouth like what you're saying right now. Just go away!"

"But Hanabi—"

"Don't ever call me Hanabi!"

"I named you as Hanabi and I never disclaimed you as my daughter."


"I disclaimed you as my father long time ago. You are nothing but a stranger to me, even to Mama." I finished my words but he still remained standing in front of me, with a daisy in his hand.

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