Part 22

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"Camping: Reconciliation."


He took me to an open area, specifically on the area near the site where there are no tents and only grass is standing firm. It's quite awkward and none of us even tried to check on each other until...

"W-why did you came inside the ladies restroom?" I asked and he scratched the back of his neck.

"I can't let you get beaten or worse, die." He said and handed me back the gem. "And I think this belongs to you."


Did I even told you who he is in the first place? Did you guessed who he is?

That's right, Kim Mingyu.

"I haven't forgotten what I even told you." I said that made him look at me. "That's right. But I can't do it." He said that made me sigh.

"I won't force you." I said.


"But what about me, Hana? Don't you worry about me being left alone?" He asked that made me look at him in confusion.

"Just because of him always bribing and taking you to places, you've forgotten the boy whom you met first." He said and looked down.

"I had a hard time without you. Can't you see how much I care for you? Well... Probably because you're blinded by him. And.. That just gives me less chance to even take you with me again." He said that made me think of those times we had together before I could even meet or get close with Jeonghan.

He's right...

"It looked like I never existed when you became close with him. Have you... Forgotten about me already?" He asked and I just looked at him as I tapped my myself for an answer.


"I'm sorry." I said and leaned closer and pulled him into a hug. It took him quite some time before I felt hin wrapped his arms around me and return the hug, even tighter. He buried his face on my neck and I felt his warm breath hit my collarbone that gave me slight tickles.

"I-I'm very sorry... I felt like I became so selfish and that I had been taking out anger towards you for some time..."

"That's okay. At least now.. You're back to me." He said and I smiled. "Of course. I-I'm sorry for being too harsh on you."

"I understand. But please... I cannot approach my brother to ask for forgiveness, don't leave me.." He said with the tone of desperation that made me smile and hug him tighter.

"Okay, I won't..."


Sitting in silence and looking out on nowhere, I wondered and kept replaying Mingyu's words earlier...

Did I really lost my attention to him ever since Jeonghan and I became closer?

Obviously the answer is 'yes'. It affected him so much and I am now feeling the anger to myself rising up as I remember those times that I had no time for him anymore. I feel... Selfish..

"Hey, you good? Does your stomach still hurts?" Mingyu asked and I shook my head and sighed, looking away as I felt like I couldn't possibly look at him the way I look at him before.

"I'm... Very sorry."

"About what?"

"You see... I have realized how many times and opportunities I lost to you. You were right that I have lost my attention towards you and all I could just feel and give you is pain and anger." I said and looked down.

"I would never realize this damage I gave you if you never made me realize it today. Mingyu..."

"You were a really good person. Right from the very start, you were there for me but... When Jeonghan.. You know... I slowly lost my time for you. I treated you poorly and that made me angry to myself right now." I said and tears slowly dripped down my face as I continued to speak.

"You're my bestfriend... But I am such a reckless friend to you. I-I hate myself for that.. I never saw the affection and sincerety you have for me because all my attention draws to Jeonghan." I said and my sobs grew louder that I couldn't help myself but to let go the tears that had been really stopping itself to drip down.

I cried in total disappointment. It had been awhile and only then I felt Mingyu's arms slowly wrapping to me and him pulling me inside his arms for a hug.

"Don't you feel bad for yourself. I'm alright, because I knew it would happen. I know that time would come and I did prepared myself for it... So don't be mad to yourself." He said and caressed ny hair and pecked a kiss on my forehead.

That moment, I felt so relieved that I buried myself to his chest and snuggled closer. I feel so apologetic and I am quite relieved that he's forgiven me already. He feels so warm and I could literally hear his heartbeat that sounded like music to my ears.

"Have I ever told you that no matter what happens, even if you'd push me away multiple times... I'd still step in towards you?"

"Hana, from the very start.. I knew you caught my interest that you kept running in my mind. That feeling that I even tried to hit my head on my wall just because I couldn't stop thinking about you and whatever you're doing everytime?"


"That made me think that I should always be there for you, to protect you like a guardian." He said and I could hear his small sniffs just right beside my ear.

"I missed this scent you know. Your hair that smells like strawberry. Dang, I wanna eat your hair." He said that made me laugh while in tears. Okay, that made me crumble.

Still in between his arms, I can hear him unwrapping something from behind me which I easily guessed as a lollipop. He then shoves it on my mouth and gave me a silly reaction.

"That's extra. I looked like a father feeding my kid after she just threw a tantrum."

"I hate you."


The day just passed and full of tiring activities, and what's surprising about today is how I haven't engaged with Jeonghan but my eyes keep squinting towards him and he seems to enjoy sharing companies with Chaeyoung. I just wanted to say that and there are no intention of "jealousy" by any means. I'm somewhat fine at him being open to other people already. Or so I say... "other girls."

The sky started to grow cloudy and the winds started to blow colder, it seems like it's about to rain so I quickly went to the lobby instead of going back to the site.

Thunders also started to rumble loudly that often leaves us in a mere shock. I remember that guy whose scared of thunders... Haha, will he run back to me? That'd be nice.

Or so I thought...

Another loud banging sound of thunder noised out and it also left me hanging after I saw something that really stopped me...

Jeonghan hugged Chaeyoung after the sound scared him..



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