Part 23

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"Camping: Jealousy for real."


"Hey, don't worry. I'm here, don't be scared.." Chaeyoung cooed him. Lucky enough that Chaeyoung is not facing me so she haven't seen me, but Jeonghan did because he's facing my front.

I didn't smiled at all or even gave any worried reaction to him when his emotions are all drew obvious, he's scared and is surprised to even see me with an emotionless face at all.

T-that should be me...

No, that's...

I didn't cared about the loud noise of thunders and I think he does the same, I just kept my eyes on him and the longer I do so, the more my fists clench. W-why am I acting like this?

My lips started to form a straight line as I restrained some 'tears' to fall down. No, why should I cry about this? Is this it? Jealousy?

"H-hey..." Jeonghan called but before he could even let go of Chaeyoung, I ran away out of the lobby and went on where I have decided to go to.

The back of the cafeteria is a long veranda that gives off a view of the cliff below with a river. That's some mediocre place they say and I luckily met that person I am looking for, standing over there...

"M-mingyu.." My voice cracked as I called him. He looked back at me and looked worried after seeing me but I forced to give off a smile.

"It's about to rain, why are you here—" Before he could even finish his sentence, I pulled him into a hug and buried my face on his neck that left him flabbergasted for a while.

"Hey, is everything alright?" He asked and it only made me crumble down and tear up.

"Are you really crying?" He said and tried to take a look of me but I hugged him tighter and started to sob between his arms.

"I-I don't know what I feel... I-Is this what they're saying..?" I said between my sobs.

"What are they saying?"

"I don't even know if I like him so how can I say I'm jealous?"

It made him speechless for a while and only then realized what I meant.

"Did you see him with that b-tch again?" He asked and I nodded, sniveling as I do so.

"H-he only hugged her because the t-thunder scares him.. B-but why do it affects me that he is between someone's arm instead of me?" I said and Mingyu sighed, caressing my back and sighing again before speaking.

"Are you... having feelings for him?"

"I don't even know if I like him or not, I-I see him as a friend but... But why am I... Jealous?"

"You don't know how you really feel towards him?"

"No... Not at all.."

"I don't even want to call it jealousy because I don't have the rights to be, after all I am just his friend..." I added and the rain started to pour, heavy and thunders continued to bang but I'm completely fine with it, knowing that I am being comforted by Mingyu.

"I don't want to judge. But rest assured I'm here to listen to everything you say. Or just have my shoulders to cry on until you feel better."


The rain lasted longer but my tears didn't. I sat beside Mingyu and watched as the rain poured all throughout the day. I have none enough energy left to talk so much or even do anything, just look out of nowhere and just silently contemplate.

"Look, I know it's hard for you to think properly at this state but you have to think about it."

"You shouldn't settle yourself just being confused on how you feel. It'll only give you a hard time so... While the day is still not over and the rain is still pouring.. Think about it." Mingyu said and I sighed, leaning back on my chair and closed my eyes.

Do I like Jeonghan..?

I opened my eyes and took out my team's gem. The day is almost over and I want to give myself some take off of stress. I threw it on the veranda and didn't minded Mingyu's surprised reaction and just closed my eyes once again.

The night came and I didn't ate dinner, the rain isn't heavy anymore so I decided to go back to the site to enter my tent and have a rest for tomorrow's last day here, Camping. While Mingyu and the other girls are having their dinner, I'm on my way out of the area and my eyes met 'his' eyes whose standing on the entrance of the place.

More surprisingly, I just walked pass through him because I know someone's with him and I don't want to ruin that. This is new, on how I resisted not talking or even notice him. And he didn't stopped me which really gave me an even more surprise.


"It's our last day being with each other, friend. Want to have a small hang out with me?" I heard Chan from behind me that made me smile and look back at him.


"She can't, she's going with—"

"I'd love to be with you, Chan." Jeonghan cuts me off so I cuts him off as well and went to Chan, holding his palm that's specifically laid for me.

I'm about to leave when Jeonghan held my other hand that made me look at him and met his glares.

"I said she's not coming along."

"I can come along as I wanted. Where's your Chaeyoung? Go with her as much as you're pleased." I said that left him surprised and I took back my hands away from his grip. I left the place with Chan with him also being surprised at my sudden burst out.

"Chaeyoung? Why? Are they dating?"

"Uh... I don't know about that."

Chan took me to the flower garden and the moment we entered, I felt my nose being played with the scent of the flowers. It's so pleasant and the best thing is... The daisies.

"For you, Señorita." I looked back at Chan and he's holding a rose that made me smile and happily took it.


"I'm happy that this moment came that we're together again. Uh.. You know, we've been separated because of your issues.. I just... I just missed you so much." He said that made ny mouth swung open.

"Is it that surprising?" He chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck and held my hand as he comes closer to me.

"Hana.. Uh... I-I like you."

No freaking way...

"It's true. I-I've seen you become a better person and that made me like you. Initially, I can't help this anymore."

"And I can't yet assume that you like me too but let's find out anyways." He said and closed his eyes.

"I will give you some time to think about it. If don't like me, you can just return the rose. But if you like me..."

"Kiss me."


It had been some time and I am still thinking whether I should or should not but I have decided...

I returned the rose to his hands that made him open his eyes and look at me with a slight disappointment.

"Y-you... Don't like me?" He asked and I looked at the rose I returned to him before holding his hands and lean closer to him to peck a kiss on his lips that made him frozen for awhile.

"I like you, Chan. Since day one."


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