Part 30

635 32 13

"Love you!"


The week break has started and it's already mid-week. Days are surely so fast to pass by and here I am, still inside my room, cramming for works and is still restless even though my bed is just a meter away from me.

"What's all of this?" Jeonghan asked, picking up a crumpled paper from the floor and opened it.

"Theory of Creation? A hundred words essay?"

"I need to finish 12 written works and two powerpoints if I wanted to pass this year... Dang, this is all what I've lost." I said without even glancing at him.

"Do you even have any plans to take a rest? This week is given for us to at least have a small break before next week's even more stressful year-end clearances."

"Jeonghan, Professor Sick gave me this week to at least do what I can so he can fill up my missing grades. If I won't do anything about this, I can't finish this year and repeat." I said and rested my head on my hands.

"You need to unwind yourself, come on, up you get." He said and forced me to get up of my seat but I refused.

"No, I have to finish this—"

"Your works can wait... But I can't." He said and pulled me, throwing me on the bed and opened the TV. I was quite  flustered at his sudden move, he then laid down beside me, pulling me closer to him as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Let's at least watch the famous series together. Don't settle for nonsense things for long." He said.

"But what about my works?"

"I told you, darling. They can wait but I cannot."

"What do you mean?"

"As simple as making a cup of coffee... I wanted to spend some time with you. We're getting older and busier and it may be impossible for us to be like this again with hectic schedules in the near future. Hana..." He said and stroked his index finger to my face with his eyes straightly looking to mine.

"I'm not saying this just to conscience you, I want you to manage your time equally and I am part of it. Damn, I badly wanted this to do this once with you.." He said and leaned in to kiss me, his kisses were as delicate as it was but before it could even grow spicier,  I pushed him away that made him flabbergasted.

"J-jeonghan.. I-I don't think this is right.."

"What's wrong?"

"I mean... What do we really have in common?"


"I hope I can be like them to you too..."

"I wanted to be friends with you."

"I like your eyes.."

"Because It's You.."

"I love you."

"Aren't we just... friends?"

He was speechless
and just looked at me in disbelief of what I said. I was abacked of what I said too but I wanted to clear things up.

"Friends? After all that what happened to us, we're just... Friends?"

"I-I guess?—"

Because It's You | BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now