Part 61

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Hana's POV

"Jihoon is a name I thought because I read it on a paper that it means rank, purpose uh.. Wisdom." Jeonghan said and I smiled, brushing his hair as he stayed close to my bedside.

Miss Yoon and the others are on the nursery where Jihoon is currently placed. They said they'd like to watch him and see who resembles him more.

"I don't have to argue with that. I think it's cute." I replied and he chuckled nervously.

"Are you okay? You suddenly turned red." I asked and he flinched as he looked at me, must've not seeing it coming that I noticed how he changed so quick.

"W-well.. I was.. worried." He admitted as he scratched the back of his neck. I stayed silent and waited until he explains himself as to why he was worried.

"You see, it's been awhile earlier, uh.. it was so silent that we haven't heard anything from inside the room and it got me thinking that.. y-you.. you know, d-died." He stattered as he explained. I was shocked for a moment but I backed it up with a laugh and tapped his head that made him look at me.

"Is that so? Why would you even think that far though? We still have our plans for Jihoon and if I'd die, our promises would go for nothing." I replied.

"Uh, it was just that I'm not knowledgeable about this delivery process which is why I overthinked. Well.. Even those days that you're laboring, I thought of those things too, right?" He asked and I laughed, pulling him close to me and hugged him as I kissed his forehead.

"I can't wait to be home and take care of him, love." I said and he returned the hug.

"Me too, I can't wait to finally take care of my own family."


"Ah! He looks a lot like Hana!" Miss Yoon exclaimed as she carried Jihoon out of the car.

"At least lower your voice, you might wake him up." Jeonghan said and frowned at his mother.

We finally came home, to the house that Jeonghan and I are living together. He actually said taking Jihoon to the Yoon Mansion where his Father is would be regrettable and he said if possible, distance Jihoon from him as well.

"Careful, love. Let me help you." Jeonghan said and helped me get out of the car and walk inside the house.

"Ah! You're finally home!" Daiki opened the door for us and welcomed us all. Jeonghan entrusted the house with him and so there will also be someone to look after YoungHoon since it's been a few days before we came back home.

"Thanks for taking care of the house and YoungHoon, Daiki." Jeonghan said and Daiki smiled and bowed at him.

"No worries, hyung. I also made some food for you guys since I know it's a long ride back home."

I then noticed YoungHoon intimately looking at Miss Yoon who's carrying Jihoon while sitting at the couch and that made me smile in awe.

"Here, man. You got a sibling now." Jeonghan said and carried YoungHoon and sat beside Miss Yoon so he can see the sleeping baby in her arms.


"Yeah, I know. You're his big brother!" Jeonghan happily exclaimed and snuggled with YoungHoon, such a rare sight but well, adoring to look at.

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