Part 73

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"What?" I replied and glared at the butler who quickly barged into my room.

"W-what happened? Are you okay?!"

"Well, I am. But the floor isn't." I replied and pointed the scattered broken glass on the floor, after the wine bottle fell down and shattered, spilling the red wine and it scented the living room.

"I-I'll go clean the room right away, Young Master." He said and ran out of the room to go get some cleaning materials and I just rolled my eyes and was about to step out of the room when my phone rang. It's Hana, calling.

"Hey, missed me already?"

"Well.. Yeah.. I kinda felt some strange things to you that's why i called to check on you." She said that made me chuckle.

"Don't worry about me, I'm doing fine." I sweetly replied to her and made sure she's rest assured I'm doing fine.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me if something's wrong." She said and I chuckled, what can she even do with this distance between us?

"You must be thinking about how far I'd go just to save you, Jeonghan. I don't care if I would swim or run so far just so I could save you."


Such an angel!

"Are you sure? You sounded flustered." I heard her on the other line and I cleared my throat and smiled, though she may not see, I made her feel I am smiling.

"It's just because of you. What you just said made me think of my decisions once again."


"Don't make me miss you so much. I may not be able to control myself once we'll see again." I said and I heard her flustered reaction through the line that made me laugh.

"See? Now you know how I felt earlier." I said and we both laughed.

"Excuse me, Young Master. The car is waiting." My butler interfered and I nodded and gave my goodbye to Hana before dropping the call.


"I'm very very honored to meet the Master Yoon's son, the inheritor of a very known company." Mr. Ford said and smiled to me through the other side of the long table.

"I'm honored to be in such place as well, Mr. Ford." I shortly replied and sipped on my wine, shooting a small view of the lady on my peripheral vision, her stare to me is quite obnoxious that I couldn't bare it which is why I turned my gaze to her.

"The food might turn cold if you won't mind about it. Please have you fill." I said and she chuckled, nodding as she do as I say.

"I wouldn't really mind if it'd turn cold. Anyways, the hot meal is in front of me now." She said and winked at me that I couldn't help but get disgusted.

"Forgive me for my daughter's rudeness but I have no objections, the Young Master is indeed.. Uhm.. What she described you."

"And oh, before anything else, this is my daughter Allison Ford, you're both around the same age and you two have quite the same interests as well... I wouldn't be too naggy but I think you two look good as a couple—"

"Apologies." I cut off Mr. Ford and showed them my hand that has the engagement ring that Hana has as well.

"Y-you're.. engaged?"

"Certainly is, Mr." I replied and pushed away my plate and sighed.

"So, are we really having a business partnership or you just wanted to introduce me to your daughter and have me as her partner?" I said and neither of them had any instant replies to me.

"Well we are going to continue the partnership in business, it'll definitely benefit the two of us.." Mr. Ford said and I nodded before standing up and handing my tip to the butler before leaving.

"Of course, I am engaged." I replied to my butler and he nodded.

"I thought so, because the ring on your finger is quite an unusual of a design." He replied and lowered the radio volume so we can speak and listen to each other well.

"Yeah, I share the same design of ring that I gave to my fiancé." I said and looked at the ring on my finger and watched it as the city lights reflected on it.

"It symbolizes her, so in a way, you can say I'm being possessive to her." I said and he chuckled and carefully parked the car.

"You certainly are, Young Master. O-of course, every lover has to protect their other half." He replied and opened the car door for me and handed me my coat.

"I've swore that I will protect her and our child. No matter what."

"And that is why I also rejected that Ford's daughter just like that."


"Your flight back to Korea will be tomorrow. I shall fix your stuffs." He said and I nodded and was about to leave when my phone rang, registering Kazumi's name.

"Ah, Kazumi."

"I heard you're here in my country, wanna at least meet me?" His high pitched voice is still annoying but irresistible and it made me chuckle and nodded.

"Come over."


"Sick! You're already engaged? Seoyeon must have really kept her word—"

"I'm not engaged to her. I already dropped that contract." I rolled my eyes and took a gulp of my beer.

"Ah really? I'm looking forward on being invited to your wedding." Kazumi said and I nodded.

"You're never gonna lose out, my man." I replied and we toasted our tall glasses of beer and drank the night away.

"Hey, how's your study by the way?" I asked and he laughed, tapping his forehead.

"I'm already a student of this astrologer I came across by when I had a travel to the province." He said. Kazumi still chases his dream to be an astrologer one day. And when we we're still kids, he promised me that he'll be looking through my future if he becomes an astrologer one day.

"And I never forgot that thing we said to each other." He said and took out a stack of cards and made me pick three.

I was so focused on his facial reactions because it wasn't really looking like he's seeing something good about my future and so I just confirmed it.



"I think you should go home, as soon as possible."



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