Chapter One

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I have to leave for Hogwarts in less than an hour, and I'm already exhausted. Hogwarts is my safe place. When I'm home, it's practically guaranteed I'm going to be miserable. I live with my step-father since my mum passed a little while ago. It was a hard loss, but eventually, I realized I had to move on.

I go to the kitchen to get something to eat before I leave to get on the Hogwarts Express. I don't have money for the trolley snacks. I walk into the kitchen to get some cereal and my step-father, Mark, comes in shortly after. He's mad for whatever reason, and I wouldn't doubt it if he is suffering from a hangover. I decide to just forget about my cereal and get out of the house.

My friends at Hogwarts are the Marauders (which includes me because I am an official Marauder), Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, and Alice Fortescue. I met James in Diagon Alley before Hogwarts when I was getting my supplies. He and his mother helped me get my stuff since I was shopping alone because Mark wouldn't stay with me and my mom passed about a year before I turned 11. I met the rest of the boys at the feast and the girls because we share a dorm.

I head upstairs to my room to grab my trunk to floo to the Potters, so I can apparate with them to the platform. My room has a twin bed in the middle of the back wall and a desk by my window. On the right wall is a cork-board covered in drawings and sketches I have done.

I grab my trunk and lug it down the stairs and to the fire place. I tilt the trunk on its side and set it on the toes of my shoes, so it will floo with me. I grab the floo powder and go to the Potter's without even telling Mark because it's not like he would care anyway. When I arrive, I let my trunk fall to the floor with a loud bang, letting everyone know I'm here. I see James standing in the entrance to the kitchen, so I run in there and jump up and ruffle is hair.

"Hey, what was that for!" He exclaims.


I turn to face him and jump up to sit on the counter behind me while I watch him attempt to fix his permanently messy hair. He finally looks up at me and gasps at the bruise that runs from my temple almost to my chin.

"What happened to your face!" He practically screams at me.

"Uhhhhhh, I got in a fight with some girl in my town, and she got a pretty good punch in." I lie.

"Chase, don't lie to me' I know you wouldn't lose this bad in a fight with another girl!" He reaches out to touch my face and I smack his hand away.

I roll my eyes at him for being so overdramatic. By the way, my friends call me by my middle name instead of my first. They know my first name, but I choose not to go by it. Not very many people know it, but my friends do.

Just then, Mrs. Potter walks in asking if we are ready to go until she sees the bruise on my face. She fusses over it just like James did, and I tell her the same lie except she seems to believe it.
She uses a healing spell making the bruise quickly heal before we apparate to the platform.
I thank Mrs. Potter for bringing me then I set off to go to our compartment while James hugs her and gives her a bit of a longer goodbye.

I make it to our compartment, and I'm trying to put my trunk in the top rack when I hear a male voice behind me.

"You know, you could just levitate it up there."

It's Remus. He comes up behind me and drops his trunk, putting mine up, then doing his.

"Well, I was just trying to break my back putting it up there." I reply sarcastically.

We both sit down across from each other as James walks in and puts his trunk away. We all begin talking about the pranks and stuff we plan to pull this year when our compartment door slams open.


"Oh hush it and sit Sirius," Remus tells him.

Sirius throws his hands up pretending like he has been shot, but Peter walks in at the same time and gets smacked in the face by Sirius.

We all bust out laughing, and I couldn't help but stare at Remus because he has the best laugh.

Eventually, we all settle down and sit and talk to each other all the way to Hogwarts. I'm finally back with my friends. I'm home.

Authors note:
This is a very short introduction chapter, so it is bland. Anyway, if you liked it, don't forget to vote! I also take any suggestions you guys have, so feel free to comment!

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