Chapter Fourty-Four

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Sirius hauls me down to the Hospital Wing and Madame Pomfrey gets right to us. She gives me a potion to help my head and she helps me clean the blood off my face from my nose. She says I will have some bruising on my face but that's it. I thank her and Sirius and I head back to class.

When we get there Sirius takes Remus's seat. McGonnagal still isn't back from wherever she went with the boys. James and Remus are already in trouble and it's only the first day. I lay my head on the table and Sirius rubs my back.

"Why'd they have to do that?" I ask tiredly.

"Because that kid was way out of line. It took a lot for me not to go after him too." Sirius says.

I don't respond because I get it but it was still annoying. I love my boys but they are so protective of me. After awhile McGonnagal comes back in and starts class. About 20 minutes after, all the boys come in. The kid who was harassing me goes back to where he was sitting before and so does his friend. James and Remus go and sit where James and Sirius were earlier. We don't do much that class and after that I don't see the boys much until after dinner.

I am currently sitting in the back corner of the library studying with Cole. We are working on Transfiguration work and I'm exhausted. We had a decent amount of homework since the boys took up the entire first half of our class time.

"I can't believe that kid smacked your ass." Cole says out of nowhere

I roll my eyes. "He was just being a creep. I wish Remus and James would have let me handle it."

"Pfft, what would you do? A strong breeze could blow you over."

I give him a dirty look but I don't say anything back. I go back to studying until I feel someone walk up to the table. I look up and it is Remus. Cole notices him and starts to pack up his stuff.

"Well, I'm gonna head back to my dorm now." He says getting up. I watch him walk out of the library before I look up at my boyfriend.

"Hey love." He says as he sits down.


"I'm sorry for getting in trouble today. I just lost it when he did that. You are mine and only mine and no one is going to do stuff like that to you." He says.

I sigh before responding, "It's okay, I just wish you would have let me stick up for myself."

He nods and leans back in his chair. "I can't really blame the guy though, your arse is pretty tempting."

I blush and smack his arm. He is so inappropriate sometimes.

"Hey, don't get mad at me. You should be mad at yourself, you're the one with the fat bum. It's really round too, it's quite nice to look at." He says jokingly.

By now my face is cherry red and I can't look him in the face.

"It's pretty nice to touch too, I'm the only one who is allowed to touch it though." He says winking at me.

I try my best to ignore him but it's not working very well.

"Mmmmm, and don't even get me started on your thighs. They really get me excited, especially when it's close to the full moon."

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now