Chapter Sixty-Two

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Large Timeskip
Three days. Three days until my due date. I could very well go into labor now because I am very very pregnant. I'm so ready to have this baby that it is ridiculous. My feet always hurt and I'm constantly tired and I always feel fat.

I'm sure Remus is just as ready for me to have this baby. I am grumpy all the time and he hates not getting to cuddle much because my giant stomach is always in the way. What frustrates him the most is how we haven't done anything in the bedroom for at least two months, maybe more.

The past 9 months have been rough. I was already almost 3 months in when I found out. We started setting up the nursery when I got to be about 5 months along. Also when I was 5 months along we found out Lily is also pregnant.

She is currently 7 months along so she isn't that far behind me. My baby due May 22nd. Her baby isn't due until late July. I told James not to have kids this early but he has to copy everything I do.

We found out the gender of the baby and it is a boy much to Rems disappointment. We decided on  Lucas James Lupin for the name. We haven't told James about the middle name yet and we are hoping to surprise him.

I'm finishing up a few things in the nursery right now while I have the energy. I get wore out pretty easy. We have a ton of baby clothes that everyone has bought for us and about a million other things. I'm fixing up the crib with a blanket when Remus walks in.

"You look tired." He says coming over to hug me.

I want to argue and tell him he shouldn't say that. I'm pregnant, what does he expect me to look like? Instead I stay silent because I'm not looking to argue right now.

"Do you want to go take a nap?"

I think for a second and I nod. My feet are already starting to hurt. We walk upstairs to our room, which is really hard because of how pregnant I am. When we get up there Remus pulls down the blankets and helps me in bed before covering me up again. He walks around to the other side of the bed and crawls in with me. He scoots over until he is laying right beside me. He lays on his side and drapes his arm over me awkwardly. He puts his head on my shoulder and sighs.

"I miss holding you every night. I can't wait for you to have our baby so we can get on a routine and maybe get to see eachother more." He mumbles into my shoulder.

I know exactly how he feels. He's not the only one that is pretty miserable. I eventually fall asleep but I wake up not long after with a sharp pain in my stomach. I lay there for a bit and another one comes. It goes on like that for about five minutes but then I decide to get out of bed.

As soon as I stand up water is everywhere. I'm confused at first but then I realize. I'm in labor. I have a mini panic attack for about ten seconds but then I get it together enough to wake Remus up.

"Yes love." He says groggily.

"Uh...I'm in labor."

That sure woke him up fast because he shoots straight up out of bed. He throws on some pants and a shirt on and grabs the hospital bag.

He turns to me ready to go but I shake my head at him. "I want to change first and you have to call everyone."

He nods and hands me the phone from his nightstand. I quickly dial James number and put the receiver to my ear.

"Hello?" It's James.

"Hey, uhhh I'm kind of in labor. We are about to head to the hospital so you need to call everyone else and meet us there." I explain.

I don't know what he says next because I drop the phone when I have another really bad contraction.

Finally Remus comes back with a new shirt and stretch pants. He helps me wrestle out of my old clothes and get new ones on. He gets my shoes and puts them on for me and then helps me downstairs. We go out to the car because Remus won't let me apprate while pregnant.

He gets me and our stuff in the car and we start driving to the hospital. He reaches over and puts his hand on my leg just like he does every time we are in the car.

"How're you holding up?" He asks.

I don't know why but it sends me over the edge. "How am I holding up?! I'm in pain and I have to push a literal child out of me! How do you think I'm holding up."

He winces and takes his hand off my leg. He doesn't talk the rest of the ride. I'm fine with it because he would just say something stupid anyway.

When we get in the hospital they take me back and get me in a hospital bed. They get me hooked up to both muggle and wizard stuff. They get me some pain potions and I feel a lot better.

Everyone was already here so they came in and talked for a bit but I shooed them out because I don't want them all in here while I have a baby.
It is now just the doctors, Remus, and I.

I have to sit through more contractions but they are numbed now thankfully. I've heard that women can be in labor for almost whole days but the doctors tell me mine should be pretty short.

I hope they're right. I know alot about this stuff from being a healer but I don't specialize in this particular area.

They end up wanting me to push after about two hours. Remus stands on my left holding my hand and there is three other doctors in the room.

"Okay, on three I need you to push."

Short Timeskip
Remus POV
Chase holds the baby for about five minutes before falling dead asleep. I can tell she is exhausted. I'm holding our baby and I've never loved something so much. I love Chase but my love for her is different than this type of love.

I can't already tell that I would do everything in my power to protect our baby. I know that I will love them no matter what they do. I'm honestly in heaven. I have a perfect wife, a perfect job, a perfect baby, and great friends.

Chase eventually wakes up and everyone gets to hold the baby. It's so perfect but it was pretty short lived because Chase got tired. No one was upset with her though. We know she has to be mentally and physically exhausted.

When they get to go home with the baby.
Chase POV
We are finally home and I'm so relieved. I healed pretty fast since we used magic and I'm pretty much good as new. I feel great compared to how I've felt the past few months.

Lucas is absolutely perfect. He still looks squished from being in my stomach for so long but he is still pretty cute.

When we get home Remus rushes to get me everything I need and I kick back on the couch with the baby. I love having a caring husband.

We all eventually end up on the couch. I pass Luke off to Remus and I lay my head on Rems shoulder. Our family is a little more complete.

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