Chapter Fifty

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Time skip
There is only a day left in the school year till we graduate. We have had countless detentions and pulled millions of pranks and done crazy teenage stuff and it has been amazing. It is just disappointing that tomorrow we have to go back to the real world.

So far Remus and I are doing great with our relationship and I've never been happier. Lily and James are going steady and so is Alice and Frank. It turned out Marlene never had a boyfriend but it was actually a girlfriend. I'm not sure how they are doing because Marlene rarely talks about her. She was nervous to tell us at first but we obviously didn't care. She is still the same Marlene we've always known. Sirius is still single but he has had many many hook ups throughout the year. Peter has been a bit closer to us recently. I feel bad for not liking him for so long because he is really not that bad.

We are finishing up exams today and then we will be getting ready for the Order and figuring out what to do after we graduate.

I already have a plan. I have gotten myself an internship at a smaller wizarding hospital near home. St. Mugos would have been an amazing opportunity but I decided I wanted to stay closer to home with everything going on.

I have an idea that I have been working on for Remus. There is a building for sale in the same town where in going to be working. I have been saving up and talking to dad and I've decided to buy it. I want to turn it into a bookshop for him to run. We have everything set up to buy and furnish it when I get out of school but we are just worried it won't make enough to support its self. We have decided to try it and if it becomes too expensive we will sell it. Dad has agreed to help get us started on it.

I've also found myself a house that is close to the one James is buying. It's not far from work and the store so everything will be perfect. I have it all planned out and I can't wait to surprise Remus with the store.

Remus POV
The school year ends tomorrow and I'm horrified. I don't have a job lined up and I will still be living with my parents. I went out with James over Christmas break and bought a ring for Chase. I'm not sure when I'm going to ask her but I know it is going to be soon.

I don't know what to do because I don't have a way to buy us a house or support us and I've promised her a family. This is the most stressful time of my life. I'm so worried she will find the ring or I will do something to mess it up before then.

James POV
I did it. I bought a ring. I'm going to propose to Lily. I've found a house. I have a ring and I'm going to do it. I'm not sure when or how but I'm going to propose to her.

I've been working on setting up my life outside of Hogwarts just like Chase has. I've found a house in Godrics Hollow which is where Chase will be working.

I've gotten an aurorer job lined up with Sirius so I will have a way to support Lily and I. I just have to find it in me to propose to her.

Sirius POV
Tomorrow we go into war. All the guys are planning out their futures but I'm just trying to figure out how we are going to survive. Regulus has been working with us closely on bringing down Voldemort. We have found out he has created horcruxes. They somehow make him immortal and they have to be destroyed. There are six in total and so far they have tracked down four. Three have been destroyed and they are in the process of destroying the fourth one.

No one is allowed to tell me how they make him immortal. All I know is people are dying trying to destroy them. By the time we get in the Order there will be two left and after that we will have to take him down. Matthew is back but we haven't gotten to see him yet. We heard he came back from disappearing all beat up but he brought back a horcrux, we heard it was some teacup thing. Since then he has destroyed a journal and ring horcrux. It is rumored that they have also found and destroyed some diadem thing. I'm not sure what the other two are yet though.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now