Chapter Thirty-Five - Sixth Year

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(Time skip)
It is currently the first day back to classes of our sixth year. I just finished breakfast and got my schedule for this year. I have no idea if my friends have any classes with me because I was late and I barely had time to get food before I had to run to class.

My first class of the day is DADA. I have a different teacher this year instead of Matthew. I didn't talk to my brother much over summer but I seen him yesterday after dinner. He explained that we will still be having practices twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He just isn't teaching because on the days he isn't teaching me he is working with the ministry against Voldemort and the deatheaters.

Apparently over the summer You Know Who has gained a greater following. Everyone thinks he is planning something big and we are all scrambling to find out and get ready for it.

There isn't much that my friends and I can do because we are stuck in school. I'm trying not to worry about it but I know he is going to come for me soon. I still haven't told anyone that he is planning to recruit me or that he knows of my abilities. I'm planning to meet up with Regulus tonight so I can get some information on what is going on.

Anyway I finally make it to my class and there is hardly any seats left. We have this period with the Hufflepuffs. I take a seat near the back beside a hufflepuff boy with dark brown hair. He has light brown eyes and is pretty pale. Once I sit I get my stuff out I sit there silently.

"Hi, my name is Cole Mitchell." He says looking at me kindly.

I smile at him and introduce myself. "I'm Chase Potter."

"I've heard of you before. You play quittich and your brother is James." He says.

I nod.

"Well I've never been a big fan of quittich." Cole says.

"I wasn't either until James taught me how to play." I say.

He nods and we are silent for a minute.

"I'm surprised you don't have any friends in this class. You seem pretty popular."

I shake my head. "I'm only popular by association."

After I say this the teacher walks in and gets class started. I don't talk to Cole much more after that. After class Cole and I go our separate ways and I go to my next class which is Transfiguration. It goes pretty well and so do my other classes.

When it is finally dinner time I sit with the boys and I'm exhausted. I sit beside Remus and lean my head against his shoulder. I know I should eat but I don't feel like it. My period is coming up and I always feel sick before it.

"You need to eat, love." Remus says pushing my plate towards me.

"Mhm" is all I say in reply.

He rolls his eyes at me then picks up my plate and starts pulling food on it. He puts two pieces of grilled chicken then mashed potatoes and macaroni for sides. He sets the plate back in front of me and hands me a fork.

He did great with picking out the food because those are like my favorites but I still don't feel like eating. I just sit with my head on his shoulder and stare at the plate.

Eventually James snaps his fingers at me and points at my plate. "Eat."

I roll my eyes and huff at him. I decide to try to eat because I know he will pester me if I don't. Remus reaches over and rubs my back gently. I get a little bit of food down then push my plate away. I still don't feel good so I excuse myself and tell the guys I'm gonna go up to my dorm.

I get up and walk out of the hall and out to the corridor. When I get out there I stop and lean against the wall trying not to get sick. I have finally composed myself when someone else walks out of the hall. I meet their alert grey eyes for a second before they turn and walk away. I watch them leave but before they disappear they drop a piece of parchment before walking off into the dark.

I walk over to the parchment they dropped and pick it up and unfold it.

Meet me at the top of the north astronomy tower. We have much to discuss.

Signed, R.A.B

I read it then fold it back up again and drop it into my school bag. Turns out I'm not going back to my dorm just yet. I turn and start my trek to the tower. It takes me awhile to get there but I manage to do it without getting sick so I'm fine with it.

At the top of the tower the person I'm supposed to be meeting is over in the corner leaning against the edge. I walk towards them and lean there too.

"So Regulus, tell me how everything is going." I say grimly.

He shakes his head and fold his hands together. "Not good. They are planning on recruiting me soon. So far from what I hear is they have found themselves a Gryffindor that they are thinking about recruiting. If I understand everything correctly they aren't very impressed by them, but You Know Who wants them for inside information."

I put my head in my hands and groan. "What about recruiting me? Have you heard anything?"

He is silent for a minute and I know that his answer isn't going to be good.

"Yeah, they are going to make their move soon. I haven't been told this, but I think that they are planning on just taking you if you don't comply and join."

I figured that was how it would be, but I was really really hoping it wouldn't be. I stay silent and he eventually speaks again.

"How is Sirius? I know he is living with you guys."

It makes my heart ache talking about Sirius with Reg. It is obvious that Regulus looks up to his brother a lot and that he loves him unconditionally.

"He is doing good. I was worried about how he would cope with being disowned but he seems to be doing fine. I think it is mostly because we all knew it was coming at some point."

Regulus doesn't say anything. He stares off over the tower with s pained look on his face.

"I'm sorry that happened. Hopefully you two will eventually start talking again, but we have a lot bigger things to worry about. My plan is for us to lay low until they approach me. When they ask me to join I will decline then we will both go to Dumbledore. He will find a way to protect me and a way to keep you from having to join." I explain.

He nods and moves away from the edge. He tips his head towards me before going back down the stairs. I wait a few minutes before I leave so it won't be suspicious. I head to the common room and up to the boys dorm. I go in and put on one of Rems sweaters and crawl into his bed. I only lay there for a few minutes before the boys all file in. They are being loud but when they notice me they quiet down.

Remus comes over and lays beside me and kisses my forehead.

"I'm going to shower then I will come and lay with you. Do you need anything before I go shower?" He says.

I still don't feel good and my adventure to the tower didn't help. I ask him to get me some headache medicine and he does. I take it and I lay back down.

By the time he is out of the shower all the other boys are in bed with their curtains drawn. He crawls into bed with me with his wet hair and he is just wearing a pair of basketball shorts.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him so we can spoon. I'm almost asleep but then he puts his lips to my ear and whispers.

"Are you wearing pants?"

I giggle and shake me head no.

"Well next time warn me." He says laughing a bit.

He lets me go and rolls over onto his back and pulls me over and lays my head on his chest.
I don't know why he moved because I really like spooning but it is whatever.

We say I love you and then I drift off to sleep.

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