Chapter Twenty-Five - Fifth Year

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Later on that day I'm walking down to the quittich pitch with James and Sirius. Remus and Lily wanted to come but Josh who is the captain wanted to have closed tryouts. As we walk down to the pitch I tell the guys about Remus discovering the animagi plan. They say they will smooth things out with him and I decide to trust them.

"So guys I told Remus I would plan our date for our one month." I tell them.

James scoffs loudly and Sirius laughs.

"Why in the bloody hell would you do that? You are horrible at planning things!" Sirius tells me still laughing.

I punch his arm and he shuts up.

"I know I suck at planning that's why I need your help!" I shout at him.

We are all silent for a bit thinking.

"I think you should just do him." Sirius says shrugging. "That doesn't require much planning."

I roll my eyes at him and James pops him in the back of the head. I take it James didn't like that idea.

"I'll plan it all Chase just meet me on the far side of the Black Lake at six on Saturday." James says shaking his head.

"Thanks mate!" I yell.

I jump on his back from behind him and give him a big hug.

"Oh sod off." He says pushing me off.

I fall down on my butt and Sirius busts out laughing and I do too. I lay back on the grass and roll laughing. James rolls his eyes at us and helps me up. We continue to walk towards the pitch again.

Once we make it to the pitch Josh has already divided the people trying out into groups. Sirius and I group up and James groups up with one of the chasers from last year and some fourth year.

Josh has us run a practice game and he just switches players out. Sirius and I are the second beaters to play and we do much better that the first pair by a mile. We wait for Josh to run all the players through then he has us group up again. He has everyone run through a few more exercises then he send us to the locker rooms to change. Once we come back to the pitch he has the results.

Keeper: Dorcas Meadows 7th year

Chasers: Blake Grimes 6th year, James Potter 5th year, Josh Wood 7th year

Beaters: Sirius Black 5th year, Chase Potter 5th year

Seeker: Devon Thompson 4th year

The team is mostly the same group as last year which is good because we were great last year. Shortly after we get the results the boys and I walk back to the castle.

When we make it to the portrait hole entrance Josh is standing outside. He left a few minutes before us so it makes since that he beat us back. We wave at him as we go to go inside but he stops me.

"Hey, Chase can I talk to you?" He asks.

I look at the boys and they shrug. I turn to Josh and nod. The boys go inside and Josh and I step away from the door.

"Is it something about tryouts? I thought Sirius and I did really good." I say.

"No it's uh not anything about tryouts." He puts his hand on the back of his neck and looks at the floor. "I was wondering if you are doing anything this weekend? I was hoping we could go to Hogsmeade together. I know I'm a little bit old to be asking you on a date but I'm only two years older."

I feel awful that I have to let him down by saying no. If I didn't like Remus I would totally go out with him even though he is older. He is very good looking and has a kind personality. He makes me think of what Remus would be like if he wasn't a werewolf.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now