Chapter Thirty-Seven - Missing: Day 1

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Chase POV
When I wake up I don't know where I am. The only thing I know is I'm freezing and my body aches. I stand up and blink my eyes taking in my surroundings. I'm in a cell, the walls are made of stone and there's not any windows that lead to outside. There is one window on the long wall in front of me but it looks like it looks out into a hall instead of the outdoors.

The room is rectangle and there isn't a door that I can see. There is a pot in the left corner that I assume is for when I have to use the bathroom. Other than that the cell is empty. I start to walk over to the window to look out but I'm pulled back towards the wall. I look down and I have a cuff on each wrist that is attached to a chain that is attached to the wall.

I start to feel my way along the walls that I can reach. I'm trying to find a door because I had to have gotten in here somehow. I feel around along the wall until I hear a loud grinding noise behind me. When I turn around there is a opening in the cell. Once the door is all the way open someone steps inside.

I look up at the person, and I almost pee myself when I see who it is. Voldemort is standing right in front of me. He is only a few feet away. The most evil man alive at the moment is only a few steps away.

I want to back away from him but I stand my ground this time. I probably should be cowering but I stand where I am and look him in the eye.

"Ahhhh now you have decided to be brave." He says.

His voice is awful, like nails on a chalk board.

"From what I hear you didn't act very brave when I sent one of my followers for you." He snarls

I ignore his comment and I stay silent.

"If I understand correctly you are pretty powerful in ways most wizards aren't. I am going to ask you again to join us." He says.

His voice makes me want to claw my ears off.

"And I will tell you again that the answer is a no." I snarl back.

Before I know it he reaches out for me and grabs my face in his hands and dumps a potion down my throat and the world goes black.

Remus POV
It's only been a day without Chase and I'm already falling apart. I haven't slept or ate since we found out. We have been excused from classes for the rest of the week and I've just been laying in our dorm depressed and scared. I want to go look for her, but I can't because I'm stuck here at school. Apparently Euphemia and Fleamont have been notified and they are searching for her. Dumbledore also told us that there are people at the ministry on her case.

Nothing stops me from being terrified and worried though. She is my everything and I don't know what I would do without her. I'm not even that upset over losing her but I'm scared for what they are doing to her. The Deatheaters are evil. They could be torturing her, beating her, or they could've already killed her.

I'm yanked from my thoughts when the door to our dorm opens and James walks in. He looks exhausted and scared. We all do.

"Anything new?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

He goes over to his side of the room and leans against his bed beside his nightstand. He looks up at the ceiling and just stares. His face is full of mixed emotions. I jump slightly when he slams his hand down on the nightstand.

"If she would have told us in the first place she would be here with us and safe! I'm her big brother, I'm supposed to keep her safe! Instead of being out looking for her we are stuck in this cursed school like sitting ducks," He yells, his voice cracking.

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