Chapter Twelve - Fourth Year

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It has been about two weeks and everything still sucks. I have been visiting Hagrid regularly and forcing myself to spend more time with friends so I'm not left alone with my thoughts. I've been feeling better recently though. I went through a really hard time the first week but I've been feeling better recently. I've started to get over Nathan. I realized that I didn't love him. I'm not even sure if I liked him. I think I just liked the idea of having a boyfriend. I barely even knew him and he barely knew me. I have came to the conclusion that I'm not going to go out the way I have. He doesn't realize how determined and crazy I am.

I have came to the conclusion that I'm going to finally get some type of revenge. I haven't seen him once since we broke up so he doesn't realize how depressed I've been the past two weeks. I am still having a difficult time but I feel better and better everyday. I guess this time was easier because I didn't isolate myself so much. I'm just hoping I don't start getting worse instead of better.

It is Monday and there is a Ravenclaw against Hufflepuff quittich game tonight. Nathan's new girl is a Hufflepuff quittich player so he will be at the game tonight. Tonight is when I'm getting my revenge.

I slept in late because I was up most of the night with homework. I have kind of threw myself into my school work to distract myself. By the time I get out of bed all of the girls are almost ready. I still have plenty of time to get ready so I just tell them to go to breakfast and I will be down in a bit.

I decide to put effort into my look for the first time in weeks. I undress and quickly shower. I get out of the shower and I decide to do my full routine for once just to give myself a confidence boost. I decide to do my hair in curls using some magic and some of lilys muggle products. After I finish up with my hair I go to the dorm and change into my uniform. I leave my robe to put on later. I walk back to the bathroom. After than I am almost out of time so I quickly put on some light makeup. I'm about to leave the bathroom but go back and put on some light pink lip gloss.

I rush out of the bathroom grabbing my robe and bag then rush out of the dorm. When I get to the end of the stairs I almost run into someone so I quickly turn to miss them but I trip on my own feet and start to fall. I put my hands out to catch myself but a hand grabs my arm and pulls me back upright. I meet the persons face and it is Remus. I smile at him with a genuine smile because this is the best I have felt in weeks.

(Remus POV)
I am at breakfast eating with the guys waiting for Chase to come to breakfast. We normally wait on her but recently she has been getting up late and going straight to class skipping eating. All last week she skipped breakfast and barely ate at lunch. She eats at dinner but I still feel like it's not enough. I decide to go get her up because I'm worried about her and won't have her putting herself in the Hospital Wing.

"I'm going to go get Chase." I tell the guys. Peter and Sirius nod and continue eating.

"Good luck with that." James says laughing. "She is hard enough to get up on a good day. It is even worse when she is in a mood."

I just roll my eyes and walk to the common room. When I finally get there breakfast ends in about 25 minutes and it takes ten to walk back there. I doubt she is gonna get to eat if I just now wake her up. I walk towards the girls dorm planning on just knocking loudly to wake her up. I lift my hand to knock when the door opens and Chase almost runs into me. She trips and starts to fall but I am able to catch her and help her stand. She looks up at me and smiles.

"You look amazing!" I say without thinking. I blush immediately after.

She smiles widely "Thanks, I decided it was time to start putting myself back together." She tells me.

"Do you want to head to breakfast?" I ask her.

"Yeah that's where I was going in the first place" she replies airily.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now