Chapter Thirty -Fifth Year

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Time skip
It's been a week since we got back to Hogwarts and everything is going well so far. I met Remus's dad on Christmas when I went to his house. It went well and Remus says that both of his parents love me.

It is currently almost  7:00 pm and I'm heading up to spend some time with my boys. I walk up the dorm steps and go to their door and knock. I wait until someone yells 'come in' before entering.

When I go in James and Sirius are wrestling and Remus is standing above them refereeing. I roll my eyes at them and go over and sit on James bed and watch them. After awhile Sirius pins James and Remus starts counting. James struggles trying to get out from under Sirius but he can't. Remus makes it to ten and Sirius jumps up triumphantly. Remus laughs at him and James stands up grumpily.

After the boys settle they all come and pile into the bed with me.

"Okay so we did the animagi thing. What's our next big project?" Sirius asks.

I shrug my shoulders but James sits up.

"I have been thinking about this a bit but I'm not sure if it is possible." He says.

We nod and he continues.

"I think we should make a map of Hogwarts. It should be a live action thing too. It will show when the staircases move and the people who come in and out."

We all look at each other and think. Hogwarts is supposed to be unplottable on any map. There are a lot of enchantments that keep you from being able to track or plot certain things.

"Hogwarts is supposed to be unplottable on any map so people don't find it. What if it can be plotted on a map of only Hogwarts." Sirius suggests.

"That could work. It is just going to take a lot of work." Remus says.

"Well we better get started then." Peter says standing up.

We all get up and high-five and jump into action.

Large time skip.
The boys and I are all sitting in a circle on the floor of their dorm. The parchment sitting in the middle of us has kept us occupied for several months. We began working on it after Christmas break and we currently only have a month of school left.

James is sitting in the middle ready to put the finishing touches on the map.

"We need to put our names on it." Says Peter.

"We can't use our real names we need to do our nick names." Sirius says bluntly.

We all nod.

James carefully writes 'Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and Chaser.'

Remus adds the last few enchantments and it is finally done. We all test the map out and it works. We cheer loudly and hug eachother. This is almost as big as us becoming animagi. I stay with the boys and celebrate for a bit longer but then I leave and go to the library.

OWLs are coming up and I have been studying like crazy. I'm not looking to do perfect but I want to do well in every class that way when it comes time to chose the classes I need for a future career I will have options.

I sit in the library with books scattered around me studying. I have several muggle notebooks that I am filling with notes for each exam. I have a lot of material to study and not enough time.

All the boys have been studying too. James, Sirius, and Peter haven't been studying as much as Remus and I do but they are still studying. The only ones that are seriously studying like crazy are Lily, Remus, and I.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now