Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"So what time is the meeting again?" I ask handing Rem a glass of water.

"8:00, I think"

I nod and sit down beside him. He is over at my place and we are chilling out in the living room. We have a order meeting in the morning but that's about all that is going on right now. We have the wedding in month and we have almost everything ready for it.

Lily and James are supposed to be getting back from their honeymoon tonight which is great. They won't be getting back until late though so I won't see them till the morning.

Anyway Remus and I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together so tonight is going to be our catch up night.

I lay out on the couch and lay my head in his lap. He runs his fingers through my hair and smiles.

"I missed you so much while I was gone." He says.

"I missed you too, and you never told me about your mission." I complain.

"Pfft there isn't much to tell. I camped out around one of the Deatheaters hide outs and gathered info on the people that came in and out of the place. There was about 50 that came and went on the regular. Other than that there was about 70 more that only came once or twice."

I whistle quietly. "Dang, we are way over our heads."

He shakes his head and runs his thumb down my nose. "We have more people then you realize."

I shrug. "I guess but that doesn't change the fact we are ridiculously outnumbered right now."

"Well then we better work harder." He says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and sit up. I move so I'm sitting on his lap facing him. I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his arms around me. He smells like paper and cinnamon. I just sit there for a minute enjoying him holding me.

He moves and kisses my neck making me giggle. He moves his hands down to my bum and starts sucking on my neck.

I laugh and push his hands off. "We said we weren't going to sleep together again until the wedding."

"Ugh, but I don't want to. Whats the point anyway? It's not like it'll be our first time." He grumbles.

I roll my eyes and hug him again.

"When are you going to start working on the store?" I mumble into his shoulder.

"I'll head over there tomorrow and start on it."

I nod but I still don't move away from him. He hugs me tighter and kisses me gently on the lips.
His lips are so soft and I love how it feels every time he kisses me.

I just want him to hold me in his arms forever where I am safe and happy.

Small Timeskip
The next day I wake up twenty minutes before I have to be at the meeting. I try to get up but Remus is asleep holding me. Whoops.....I didn't do a very good job at the 'not doing it again until marriage thing'. None the less I wrestle myself out of his arms and get out of bed. I hurry and throw a robe on because I'm cold and then I go over and try to shake Remus awake.

Of course he decides to be difficult and won't wake up. I groan and use my powers to flip the light on and I tear the blanket off of him.

"Get up we have a meeting!" I yell before walking to the bathroom.

When I see myself in the mirror I almost scream. My hair is a rats nest and I look exhausted.

I go and turn the shower on but I leave the water cold because I'm definitely going to need something to wake me up. I get in and start quickly washing my hair.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now