Chapter Nine - Fourth Year

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(Chase's POV)
When I wake up in the morning and at first think that I am sleeping in my bed in my dorm. Then I remember that I never went up to my dorm and I sit up wondering where I am. I realize quickly where I am when I see James banging on the bathroom door yelling for whoever is in there to get out. I look to my side to get out of bed I see Remus. He is standing at the end of his bed digging through his trunk shirtless. I blush and quickly look away from him when he looks at me

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake." Remus says putting on his shirt "We have to be in the great hall in ten minutes to get our schedules." I jump up out of bed "Why didn't you guys wake me up!" I quickly run out of their dorm into the common room and up to my dorm. When I run in there all the girls are ready and about to leave.

"Where were you last night?" Marlene questions "We woke up and you weren't here and your bed hasn't been slept in"

"No really" I reply sarcastically while pulling my robes from my trunk. "I went downstairs to get my book and fell asleep talking to Remus. James took me upstairs and I slept in his bed."

I finally find my robes and I rush to the bathroom "You guys can go I'll be down in a minute."

I assume they leave cause I run into the bathroom without waiting for a answer. I quickly brush my teeth while I undo the braids in my hair. My hair is really wavy and it looks like I crimped it so I decided to leave it like that. I find Lily's muggle hairspray and use a ton of it. After that I quickly throw on some makeup and take off my pajamas.

I throw on a different bra because I was wearing a sports bra. I put on my skirt and sit on my bed to put on my socks and shoes. I put my unbuttoned shirt on like I would a jacket then I put on my robe. I grab my school bag and quickly throw in my books and wand. I button the bottom three buttons on my shirt as I am walking across the room and another two on the way down the stairs. I am working on buttoning the 6th button when I bump into someone and fall flat on my butt.

"Sorry!" Remus exclaims as he puts his hand out to help me up.

"It's fine I wasn't watching where I was going. Why are you still here and not at breakfast?"

I start to button the button I was doing before I bumped into him. I barely catch it but I see his eyes flicker from my face to my chest where my shirt is unbuttoned and linger for a second then flicker back to my face. He clears his throat and turns away from me.

"Let's head to breakfast." He says awkwardly.

I just nod and start walking with him. We walk in a comfortable silence. Every once in awhile our hands would brush together and we would look at each other and blush but continue walking. When we arrive at the great hall we spilt and he goes to sit with the boys and I go to the girls. I take a seat beside Lily and sigh tiredly and lay my head on the table.

"Late night?" Marlene asks wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I groan. "No I'm just tired."

I only sit up to get my schedule from McGonnagal and read it.
My classes are in order are:
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Ancient Runes
History of Magic
Care of Magical Creatures

The girls and I compare our schedules and Lily is in all of my classes except for Herbology, History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures.

Alice only has Potions, Astronomy, Ancient Runes, and Transfiguration with me.
The most unfortunate is Marlenes schedule. We only have two classes together, Potions and Charms.

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