Chapter Thirty-Two - Summer

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I tell Lily about what happened with Remus and she thinks it's hilarious. I just shake my head at her. We decide to change into our pajamas and we try to settle down. We start going through the clothes we bought. Lily is sorting hers and putting them in organized bags. I'm emptying each bag on my bed and then sorting through it.

I went and got measured and I had to buy all new bras that are a cup size up. I take the tags off and throw them in my hamper to be washed. I do the same with the rest of the clothes in that bag then I move on to a different bag. I got a lot of new shirts and shorts and several other things. After we sort through our bags there isn't much else to do. We sit around and talk for awhile but I eventually have an idea.

"Let's go swim." I announce.

Lily looks at me curiously. "At 11:00 at night?"

I nod.

She grins and gets up I let her borrow one of my swimsuits and I put on one of my others. I gave her a solid dark blue bikini. It isn't super revealing but it definitely doesn't cover your butt. I dig through my drawer and I get out a dark red one. It shows a good bit of chest and definitely doesn't cover your butt but it doesn't matter because it is just going to be Lily and I.

After we get ready we grab towels from the bathroom and we sneak down the stairs and outside to the pool.

James POV
Remus eventually comes back to my room after I left because of Chase. He comes in and sits on the chair in the corner. He looks flustered and I'm obviously not going to ignore it.

"Why do you look embarrassed?" I ask.

His face turns red and he shakes his head.

"Come onnnn you probably did something with Chase." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

He rolls his eyes. "I can't tell you you're her brother.

I roll my eyes and lay back on the bed and groan dramatically. "I'm her brother but I'm also your best friend! I want to know what is going on in your relationship just like I would if you were dating any other girl."

He looks at me apprehensively.

"So have you guys done it yet?" I ask him casually.

His face turns a deeper red.

"No, we haven't done it. All I did was grab her bum." He says shaking his head and looking at the floor.

"Well what are you guys waiting for? You guys have almost been dating a year. You two are only a year away from being of age." I tell him.

Normally I wouldn't tell him to do it with my sister but I feel like they have been hovering in the same spot in their relationship for months. They've said 'I love you' and they kiss and cuddle and all kinds of stuff. Remus would obviously take it to the next level now but he doesn't want to be pushy to Chase. I wouldn't be telling him this if I didn't think he has at least another year of waiting. If he gets the ball rolling now she might be ready by the time their 17. Chase really likes to take things slow in all of her relationships.

"I guess you're right. I just don't want to push her or make her uncomfortable." Remus finally says.

"I trust that you are a good enough guy that you wouldn't pressure her or hurt her so I'm fine with it as long as she doesn't end up pregnant." I say laughing.

Remus laughs too. We eventually calm down and Remus sighs loudly.

"She is so hot. I can't believe I'm dating her."

I shake my head at him. "You can talk about how great she is when I start dating Lily. That way I don't feel lonely every time you talk about her." I tell him.

He laughs but we eventually settle down. We hang out for a bit just doing random things until we hear something outside of our door.

I automatically recognize that it is Chase just by the sound of her footsteps. I go to the door and I crack it open. I can see her and Lily going down the stairs in swimsuits with towels. I quietly close the door and turn to Remus because we have some girls to prank.

Chase POV
We make it down to the pool and we quietly get in. It is so peaceful because is is dark and quiet. Lily and I hang out on the shallow end just swimming around a bit and talking. We are having a good time until we hear the gate open. We look over halfway expecting it to be my parents but no one is there. The gate is being held open but no one is there. It eventually closes on its own and Lily and I look at eachother confused. We both jump when our towels fall off of the table beside the pool. We look at eachother and we are both throughly frightened.

We both back up to the edge of the pool and sit there in fear waiting to see if anything else happens. I finally start to settle down but then I feel something in my hair. I reach up to see what it is but someone grabs my wrist. I look over expecting it to be Lily but both of her hands are in the water. Before I can react I'm pulled up out of the water. I start to scream but a hand is slapped over my mouth. I flail in terror until I'm finally let go and dropped back in the water. Lily and I are both terrified.

My terror melts away when I hear laughter that seems to be coming from the air. I angrily climb out of the pool and go over to the noise. I feel around until I feel the silky material. I grab a handful of it and pull. Underneath the invisibility cloak is James and Remus who can't quit laughing. I huff and I drop the cloak unto the table. I go over to James and I push him in the pool. Remus points at James who comes up sputtering. I push Remus in too.

I get back in the pool and Lily and I watch the boys as they try to recover from their laughter. They eventually calm down and Remus comes over to me. He wraps me up in his arms but I don't hug him bag.

"Sorry for scaring you, love" he says apologizing.

I just roll my eyes because his apology isn't very sincere. I push him off of me because he is squishing my boobs.

Lily and I eventually calm down and quit being mad and we all hang out in the pool together. It is really nice and James and Lily are talking without arguing. I eventually get out of the pool and start drying off. After awhile I go over to the pool house and I go inside. The pool house is just a small kitchen area with a bathroom that branches off of it.

I get in the fridge and I dig around trying to find a soda. I give up looking and I'm about to leave but then Remus walks in. He closes the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I was just looking for a drink."

He nods and goes over to the fridge and grabs a water.

He turns and goes out the door holding it open for me. When we are both out of the room we go over to James and Lily who are both out of the pool and waiting for us to go inside. We all group up and sneak back into the house. Lily and I go to my room and James and Remus go to James room. Lily and I lay down and we fall asleep almost instantly.

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