Chapter Four

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(Remus POV)
I feel my insides shatter as I watch Chase cling to James. It hurts me so much to see her cry. She has been through so much yet she almost always has a smile on her face. I can't believe I didn't realize sooner. I have spent so much time with her this year and I never noticed that something was this wrong. I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt her. She is such a beautiful person inside and out. I love her smile and her voice and how excited she gets over the little things. How could anyone see her and not love her?

I watch her back rise and fall with sobs as she hugs James so I move closer and hug her too. The contact makes me have butterflies but I don't know why. She is just my best friend.

(Chase's POV)
I feel Remus' warm body hug me from the side and I feel like everything will be okay. Not long after Sirius and Peter join the hug. We stay like that for a few minutes until I quit crying and I'm calm enough to speak.

"I'm sorry" I croak, my voice hoarse from crying.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry for" Sirius tells me.

"You guys can't tell anyone."

"What!" They all exclaim.

"How are we supposed to just not do anything. We can't let you go back there where he hits you!" Sirius protests.

"Sirius your home life isn't much better so don't act like I'm doing something crazy by staying."

"Yeah my home life sucks but my parents don't hit me!"

"Yeah you say that." I remark bitterly.

James stand up "Will you two stop! Chase it is different. Sirius spends most of his time at my place so he doesn't have to deal with them. We can only do so much for him with his family having so much power."

"Well I don't have anywhere else to go! I have to stay!"

"That's why we need to tell someone! So we can find you a place to go!"

"It's fine! I don't want to go somewhere else."

This time Remus butts in "We aren't letting you go back!"

I can feel myself starting to panic so I turn and start walking away. I hear Remus start to follow but James tells him that he needs to let me calm down.

I walk trying to keep my panic at bay. I walk for what feels like seconds but must have been almost 20 minutes cause I find myself at the top of the astronomy tower. I walk over and sit on the large stone edge. The edge is so tall I have to pull myself up onto it and it is so wide my feet don't even hang over the side when I sit. I finally get comfortable I feel all the fight drain out of me.

I sit for about half an hour before I hear someone come up the steps.

"I hope you aren't planning on jumping cause I would have to jump after you." It's Sirius

"I'm not planning on jumping I'm just trying to think."

"Okay, good"

"Please don't tell anyone" I quietly beg.

"I talked to the boys and we won't tell anyone as long as you promise that the first time he even tries to touch you you leave."

"And go where?"

"James' place. His parents will let you stay and you know it."

I reach out to shake his hand. "Deal"

We walk down to the kitchens where we meet the other boys. We decide to eat here cause none of us are really in the mood to be around so many people. We sit together and start planning our prank like nothing ever happened.

(Time Skip)
It is finally the last day of school and we are all exhausted from completing last minute assignments and tests. It has taken us a whole week but we have finally almost finished our prank. We are sitting in the boy's dorm all trying to complete the last few details.

The prank is on the Ravenclaws this year because their Quidditch captain cheats even worse than the Slytherins and we have decided to get back at the whole house.

The plan is we are going to enchant all the food on their table to make large (temporary) boils appear all over their bodies. It won't hurt them but it will be quite funny to watch them panic. We are going to do it tomorrow at breakfast that way we can board the express before anyone digs too deep into figuring out who did it. The effects should wear off before the train arrives at the platform. This is going to be one of our best pranks yet.

After we finish the last few details I head up to my dorm for bed because it is already really late. When I get up there the girls are already asleep. I climb into bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I wake up and put on muggle clothes. I sport old tattered jeans and an American football shirt that used to belong to my muggle friend, Logan. I brush out my long hair and Dutch braid it then head to the great hall to meet the boys.

When I arrive in the hall I sit with the boys and they have already enchanted the food on the Ravenclaws table. We watch as people begin to fill in including Lily, Marlene, and Alice. Finally a group of Ravenclaws walk in and sit down to eat. They are followed by about ten more walking in several minutes after. After about five minutes the first group of them start to break out in boils and shortly after the other group does too. We watch trying to stifle laughter as they all run around panicking. A few start crying. Soon after the head of their house comes and takes them to the hospital wing were they will find out they have to stay that way for the next hour and a half.
We watch in amusement as several more Ravenclaws come in to eat and the same thing happens to them. After the second time they quit eating the food.

The boys and I quickly finish eating because the Professors are starting to look for who put the stuff in the food so we quietly exit the hall and go to our dorms to finish packing.

After I finish I lug my trunk downstairs and we all head to the express. I say my goodbyes to the boys and I go sit with the girls.

"Hey guys" I greet them as I levitate my trunk onto the rack.

They all greet me with short hellos

"How'd you guys do that to the Ravenclaws" Lily questions bitterly.

"Do what?" I ask pretending to be clueless.

She scoffs and Marlene cuts in

"So have you admitted to yourself yet that you like Remus?"

"No, and I'm not going to because I don't like him like that. We are just friends."

They all scoff at me and I roll my eyes.

We all play muggle cards and talk about who is the hottest boy in our year until we reach the platform. We say our goodbyes and I apparate with the Potters to their house and I floo back to mine.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now