Chapter Fifty-One

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The morning after we graduate was hectic. I had to go sign the papers for my house and the store. I had to get officially inducted into the Order and attend the first meeting. I had to get my ID made for work and now I have to meet Remus to show him the store.

I meet him at the street corner and I guide him down the street. He seems tired but he is trying to act happy for me. I just hope he will be happier when I give him his present.

We eventually get in front of the store and I make him close his eyes and turn around. I dig the ownership paper from my pocket and stand in front of the store.

"Okay open your eyes and turn around."

He does as I say and he just stares at me blankly. He comes and looks at the paper that has my name on it and my dads because he co-signed.

"You bought that?" He asks confused looking up at the small building.

The building isn't huge but it is big enough. It needs painted and a good cleaning but that's not anything that can't be fixed without magic.

"Yes I bought it, but I bought it for you!"

He just looks even more confused.

I sigh and facepalm. I dig a pouch of coins from my pocket and hand it to him.

"It's yours to turn into a bookshop. This way you can make your own hours and take days off for the full moon. I figured this would be great because you will have a schedule that is flexible with your condition and still be able to make a living." I explain.

It takes him a second to register what I just said but then he jumps and yells excitedly.

"Are you for real!" He yells.

I nod and laugh.

He yells again and runs and picks me up by the waist and spins me around and kisses me. He sets me back down and hugs me again.

"Can we go inside?" He asks excitedly.

I nod and hand him the keys. He takes them and unlocks the door and hurries in.

Everything is covered in a thick layer of dust and there are cob webs everywhere. There is a ton of old shelves that we will have to get rid of.

There shelves and cleaning supplies in the back room. We might be able to keep those shelves but they look pretty rickety.

We take a good look around and the entire time Remus is telling me how he is going to paint stuff and where he is going to put the shelves and what kind of books he wants to sell.

"Don't get to ahead of yourself. We still have a lot of work to do. Also you can't just sell books you like. You will have to get school books and supplies to sell because that will make a big profit every year before the kids go to Hogwarts." I explain.

He turns to me and groans, "But I don't like school books."

I roll my eyes at him and walk over to the left wall. That is right there when you walk in the door.

"How about we put them on a shelf in the back up until July or August and then we put them here. We could put them up here with quills, parchment, ink and some muggle school supplies. That way they will be right here when the parents walk in with their kids."

He doesn't seem happy about it but he still agrees. We decide to head out for today and we leave and lock the door behind us.

"Alright now let's head to my new house because my mom and dad are already there bringing James and I some furniture they had."

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now