Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Today is the day. Remus and I have been waiting for months and it is finally here. Our wedding. I'm extremely nervous. We are having the actual wedding and then we are going to my parents house to have the dinner afterwards. We were going to rent a place to have the dinner but we decided against it because it is easier to have it at mum and dads.

Anyway I have just woken up and gotten ready for the day. I have to go to mums and see if everything is set up right. Then I have to check at the venue. After that I am free to go get ready.

The guys are getting ready at James house but us girls are getting ready at Remus's house. We did it like that because we don't want my house all messy when we get home tonight and we can't do it at mums because of the dinner stuff.

The wedding is at 1:00 and the dinner/late lunch is at 2:00. We wanted to have it kind of early in the day so we could get Remus moved in all the way and work on the shop a bit tonight. We aren't going on a honeymoon because it is just a bad time and we need to be here for the order.

I get all my stuff and load it into my car. Yes, I have a muggle car and my license. I got it when I was 16 but I rarely use it. I decided to use it today because I have to take my dress and shoes; the bridesmaid dresses and shoes; some decor; my jewelry; and my bouquet. I figured it would just be easier.

Once I get all the stuff loaded I drive to mums house. I go inside and out to the backyard. She already has most of the stuff set up. It looks amazing. She has a ton of circular tables that have white or blue tablecloths on them. They have pretty candles and vases of flowers in the middle.

"Hey, I have it set up out here for us to eat. I cleared all the yard furniture out so we could have a place to dance." Mum says coming over to talk to me.

I cock my eyebrow. "Where'd you put the furniture?"

She just shakes her head. "Don't worry about it."

I just nod because I know that if she tells me it will stress me out. She tends to go way out of her way for things.

We talk for a bit but then she says she has to go shower before she goes over to Hopes house. I take that as my cue to leave and I head back out to my car.

I head out to the venue where Lily and Kayla are setting up. I'm so excited because my muggle friends are coming. Kayla is getting ready with us because she is a brides maid. The guys are just gonna show up when the wedding starts.

Lily, Sirius, James, Dad, and Logan are all giving speeches. I'm sure Rems dad will too. I've left it up to Lily to tell everyone their speeches can't be more than four minutes long. I love all these people but I can't listen to them ramble all night.

Lily is the maid of honor and James and Sirius are the best men. Alice, Marlene, Kayla, mum, and Hope are going to be my other bridesmaids. Dad and Matthew are both going to walk me down the aisle. I was originally just going to have dad do it, but then I couldn't do that to Matt. I love him and he is the only blood family I have left.

When I get to the venue Lily and Kayla have everything set up perfectly. It looks amazing but we still have a few more things to add. We have to place some more flowers and weird vine things that I brought. I start to help them but they shoo me away. They want me to head to the house and then they will just meet me there. I don't argue with them because I'm sure they have it handled.

I get back in the car and drive to Hopes house. When I get there everyone is already here and I'm the last to show up. We have about three hours to get ready and I'm starting to panic.

The first thing I do is get my hair done. I decide to go with something simple because I am wearing a tiara hair piece and a veil. The veil was mums so that is my something old.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now