Chapter Eighteen - Summer

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(Time Skip to later that day)

We just got done eating lunch and all of us are walking around town trying to come up with a way to kill time till tonight when Hunters mom takes us to the drive in. We are all walking in a large group down the side of the street towards Logan's house when Kayla suddenly stops us all and steps in front of the group and faces us.

"Why don't we go skating? The rink is only just outside of town so it isn't that far of a walk."

I think it is a pretty good idea but I don't know what the boys think. I turn to look at the rest of the group and give them a questioning look. Most of them shrug but Hunter nods his head,

"I think it is a good idea. It'll kill time and I like going skating." he says.

I nod in agreement and so does Kayla. The other boys shrug and say a few '"yeah" and "okay" in agreement.

Since it is decided we all turn around and start towards the skating rink. It's a shott walk and all of the boys are ahead of Kayla and I now. Kayla isn't as far behind as I am because she is almost a head taller than me and has longer legs. I watch as Alex stops and hauls her up onto his shoulders so she won't have to try to keep up. I smile because they are so cute and I just wish they would get together already. It is obvious they like each other. I am falling more behind and I start to jog to catch up. I see Logan stop to wait on me but the others don't notice because Hunter and James are arguing about something and Alex and Kayla are watching them clearly amused.

"Must suck being short." Logan says from beside me.

I laugh then reply "Yeah, my entire 5'2 self is struggling a bit."

He laughs then shoves me a bit. "So how are things at Hogwarts?"

I quickly look ahead to the others to make sure my other muggle friends didn't hear then I turn to answer him.

"It was a little bit rough this year."

He looks at me concerned. "Why? What happened?"

"Well I like this guy...."

I stop because he interupts me with a groan.

I roll my eyes and continue. "So I like this guy and he has a bit of a condition and he thinks that he is dangerous and shouldn't be with anyone."

Once again he interupts me but this time he asks a question. "What kind of condition?"

"Somethings some wizards get. It doesn't affect him all the time though so he isn't as dangerous as he thinks. Even if he was I have my powers and I can protect myself. He is just worried because he is so afraid he is going to hurt someone."

Logan nods. "What's his name?"

I look down at the ground because I know I'm going to blush when I say it. "It's Remus."

"Wizards have weird names. Anyway finish telling me your story."

I nod then continue. "Well anyway he thinks he is dangerous so that is one reason we weren't dating. The other reason is I thought that he didn't like me. I have liked him since forever and I figured that we were never going to happen so I tried to move on." I pause to take a breath then continue. "I tried to move on by dating a different guy. He was really good-looking and super sweet. We ended up dating for a couple months but after Christmas I found him with some other girl. He told me that I was just a placeholder until another girl who is better than me comes along."

I pause and look at Logan who is shaking his head clearly angry that someone would do that.

I ignore his anger and finish. "I was pretty depressed about it for awhile but I eventually got back at him. He was mad and tried to fight me over it and I ended up almost losing control of my powers in front of the whole school. That stuff is settled now but it was still pretty crazy."

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now