Christmas Time: Bonus Chapter

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Chase POV
I hate trying to get all the kids to bed on Christmas Eve. I'm 35 years old but all these kids make me feel like I'm in my fifties already because they wear me out so much sometimes.

We ended up adding onto the house before I had Archer and Allie. Now we have a five bedroom house instead of 3. Remus and I have the master bedroom (obviously). Luke has his own room since he is the oldest at 16. After him Cole and Carina share a room. Thomas has his own room for now because we decided to just pair up the twins. So Archer and Allie also share a room.

The only ones that hate sharing a room are Cole and Carina. They are 14 and they are ready to have their own space but they have to wait till Luke moves out. Once he moves out Cole will get Luke's old room.

Thomas is 11 and just started his first year of Hogwarts this year. Allie and Archer are only 5 so they still have six more years before they can attend.

It's currently 9:00 and I'm struggling to get Archer and Allie into bed. Luke, Cole, Carina, and Thomas all get to stay up later because they are over the age of ten, but the two littles still have an early bedtime.

Finally Remus walks in to help. He pries Allie off my hip and lays her in her bed.

"Do you want me to handle the bed time story tonight? I promised the other kids we would do something fun tonight." He says while tucking Allie in.

I nod my head and give Archer and Allie a hug and a kiss. After I tell them goodnight I go over and give Remus a quick kiss on the lips.

"Ewwwww." Archer says pointing at us.

I stick my tongue out at him playfully and he grins mischievously. He has been spending too much time with his Uncle Sirius.

I walk out and start to shut the door behind me but I just sit there and watch them all for a second.

"She's gone you can get up now." Remus whispers to the twins.

Then both shoot up from under the covers and run over and take a seat on either side of them. He wraps them up in his arms and kisses the top of both their heads.

"Okay we are reading The Night Before Christmas." He says opening the book.

He starts to read to them and they are fully engaged in the story and they keep pointing at the pictures.

I shut the door quietly and walk out to the kitchen. I love how good Remus is with the kids. He has a pretty good relationship with all of them.

I'm going to fix hot chocolate for the other kids. Thankfully Luke is in the kitchen digging through the fridge so I'm going to make him help me.

"Come help me make hot chocolate." I say coming up behind him to get the milk from the fridge.

He jumps back a bit because he didn't realize I was there, but he quickly recovers and goes to get the coco.

I go over to the stove and start to heat the milk and he comes over with the coco and several cups.

"Thomas found a ton of photo albums in the tv cabinet when he was looking for movies." Luke says leaning against the counter.

I just shrug and keep stirring the milk.

"I was wondering if we could look through them? It looked like they had a ton of pictures of you and dad in them. There was also a lot of pictures with Uncle James and Aunt Lily." He says.

"Yeah we have a ton of pictures, we can look through them and that can be our little Christmas Eve activity." I suggest.

"Yeah that will be fun." He says adding the coco to the milk for me.

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