Chapter Six - Summer

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(James POV)
I'm sitting in my living room on the couch playing exploding snap with Sirius, who is currently winning, when someone floos into our fireplace with a big cloud of dust. When the dust clears we recognize who the person is. Chase is standing in front of us covered in dirt, soot, and blood.

We both stare at her in shock until she passes out almost hitting her face on the coffee table as she falls. Sirius bolts out of the room and I jump up and run to her. When I get to her I realize how badly she is hurt and it terrifies me. She has a huge gash on the side of her head which is the worst injury I can see. She has a large scrape on her chin and I can see deep scrapes on her knees where her jeans are ripped. I try to wake her up and my panic increases when she doesn't wake. Just then Sirius runs back in the room practically dragging my mum behind him.

"Oh Merlin!" She rushes over to Chase and tells Sirius and I to move her to the couch then tells Sirius to go find my dad. She tries to pull Chase's hair away from the wound on her head but the hair is thick with blood and dirt. She was checks her pulse and relaxes a little, but still pulls out her wand with shaking hands.

Sirius finally comes in with my father who rushes over to the couch to see how bad Chase is.

"What happened to her?"

I answer since Sirius is trying to catch his breath and mum is trying to heal Chase's head wound.
"We don't know. I think I have an idea though."


"We just found out this year that her stepfather she is living with is kind of abusive. I never thought something this bad would happen though! She promised to stay away from him as much as she could and...."

I stop talking when I notice the look on his face. He looks between Sirius and I "You knew someone was hurting her and thought it would be fine not to tell someone?!" He yells at us.

He is about to say something else when my mum speaks up. "We are going to have to take her to St. Mugos. I did as much as I could but it is pretty bad. I think she is fine to apprate."

My dad steps forward and scoops Chase up in his arms "I will take her. You get the boys." He apprates away and mum grabs Sirius and I and turns. Next thing I know we are at the hospital. It takes me a few seconds to notice my dad standing alone at the front desk. We walk over to him and he is talking to the receptionist and filling out papers.

"Well uhhh....she isn't our kid. She is one of my sons friends. She showed up at our house like that needing help. She fell unconscious before she could tell us anything but we suspect her stepfather did this.

"I see........" The receptionist replies.

My father finishes the papers and hands them to her and we go sit in the waiting room.

"We're sorry for not saying anything about what was happening.......she promised she would be careful and would come to us as soon as something happened." Sirius says quietly.

"Yeah" I agree looking at the floor in shame.

My mum gets up and pulls us both into a hug "It's alright loves there was no way you could've known this would happen."

I hug her back tightly "Where is she gonna go when she gets better?"

My father reaches forward and puts a hand on my back. "With us if it is possible."

Sirius and I both pull away and look up at him.


"Well yes, if we can get custody and she wants to.
We have plenty of room and she is a good kid. I kind of suspected something like this was going on I just never would've thought it was this bad. I had already thought about seeing if she could stay with us cause she is like a daughter to your mother and I."

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