Chapter Fourteen - Fourth Year

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It has been a few weeks since the Nathan incident. After the incident when I almost lost control Dumbledore talked to me and is wanting me to start using my powers more when I'm alone to learn more control. Other than that things are good. My grades are good and we only have a month left until summer. It is the weekend and the girls and I are all going to Hogsmead today. I got up early to get ready and get breakfast.

I hurry and beat everyone to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and shave. I get out and get dressed in shredded jeans and a black AC/DC crop top. I braid my hair in two French braids. I put on some foundation and powder then mascara. I brush my teeth then walk out of the bathroom. I walk over to my trunk and start digging in it. I find the small box I was looking for and open it inside is my mum's old chunky skull rings. I take two of the smaller ones and put them on. What I'm wearing today is a lot different that normal, but it's a lot like what my mum used to wear. The anniversary of her death is coming up soon and I've really been missing her recently so it is weird looking in the mirror and seeing myself. I've always looked a bit like her but I look a lot more like her dressed like this. The only thing that is different is the hair. Hers was flaming red like Lily's and mine is blonde.

I shake myself out of my thoughts and sit on my bed waiting for the girls to finish getting ready.

(James POV)
It's the weekend and we are all planning to go to Hogsmead or that's what Remus thinks. We helped the girls plan a way to get Remus and Chase together. We are planning on getting our two groups together then ditching them so they have to spend the whole day together.

I wait for the other guys to get ready then we head out to the carriages to go to Hogsmead. I see the girls getting on a different carriage as we get on ours. When we are all in and settled we start talking.

"Sooooo Rem when are you gonna ask out Chase?" Sirius asks

Remus bangs his head against the back of the carriage "No I am not going to date her I am dangerous and she is way out of my league."

It takes a lot of self control not to slap him. "She likes you Rem. I promise."

"No I can't date her. I am dangerous and I can't start a family with her. Just leave it alone." He huffs.

We all back off of him because it is nearing the full moon and it is best to not push things to much.

After we arrive at Hogsmead we walk around for a bit then head to the three broomsticks.we take a seat at a large table and order our drinks. Shortly after Lily walks in leading the other girls behind her. She points us out to Chase and we wave her over. Lily nods at Chase saying it is fine if she goes and Chase makes her way over.

"Hey guys, I didn't know you were coming to Hogsmead this weekend." She says happily.

"We kind of just decided on the spur of the moment." Sirius tells her.

We all agree except for Remus who looks confused and about to argue. We planned this a week ago in reality but it is best to lie for the sake of the trick. I look around and all the girls have already left ditching Chase just like we planned.

"I think I'm gonna go and get me another drink." I tell them getting up. As I am standing Peter gets up "I'm gonna come too." I just nod.

We walk off to the bar and shortly after Sirius gets up and walks out. He used the excuse that he has a date to get out. We watch as Chase sits at the table with Remus now that everyone else is gone. When we are sure her and Remus are distracted in a conversation Peter and I sneak out the door leaving the two alone.

(Remus POV)
It is just Chase and I sitting together because all of the guy had something to do. James and Peter should be back soon so I try to start a conversation with Chase.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now