Chapter Thirty-Nine Missing Day 3

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I wake up and I'm in the same cell. There is a torch lit on the wall, so I'm not in the complete dark this time. I groggily stand up and I use my powers to break the chains off my wrists. My body aches and my head hurts so it is hard to do. After I'm out of my chains I run and jump up to the window that looks out of my cell. Just as I suspected there is a large man standing outside guarding it. I can't escape with him standing there so right now I need to get myself situated and make a plan.

I'm starving and dying of thirst but there isn't anything I can do about that. I am dirty and my body aches. I can do something about some of that though.

I take my cloak that I am still wearing off. I take one of the broken chains and I cut a hole in the sleeve and I rip it the rest of the way until I have a long length of fabric. I use the fabric to try to clean myself the best I can. It doesn't help much because I need it to be wet but it helps a bit. I also feel a lot lighter without the cloak on.

After I do that I go over to the wall and I put my hands against it and take a few steps back. I push against the wall and arch my back. My back pops several times and I feel a lot better. I continue to stretch and I eventually feel less sore.

There isn't anything for me to do except wait for someone to come beat on me again. I eventually end up just laying on the hard floor flat on my back.

Normally someone comes in shortly after I wake up but today isn't the case. I've been in here alone and awake for awhile. They must be busy doing something.

Although I want to just lay on the floor I know that this is the best opportunity I'm going to have to escape. I get up and I start walking around trying to think. I feel along the wall trying to find where the door is. I eventually feel the groove where it closes but it is impossible to move. They must use magic to open and close it. I could move it with my powers, but it will use up all of my energy.

I back away from the door and I run and jump up to the window of my cell again. I grab onto the metal bars and hook my feet in the grooves between the rocks. I look out into the hall and the guard is still there but he is sitting in a chair leaned against the wall asleep. I've finally gotten lucky and this is my chance to escape.

I jump down from the window and I go over to the other side of my cell. I go and pick up one of the chains that was holding me and I use my abilities to take it off the wall. As quietly as possible I link one side of the chain to the torch holder on the wall and the other side of the chain to the other.

I can now step up onto the chain and reach the window. I stand on the chain and put my hands on the bars for balance. I close my eyes and pray that the bars aren't drilled into the walls and I use my telekinesis to move the bars while I push them away from me.

It takes a minute but the whole set of bars pushes out of the hole. They push to the outside of the cell and I almost drop them which would have woken up the guard. I sigh in relief before I pull the bars into my cell and gently set them on the floor.

After than I go back and stand on the chain. There is a torch holder above the window and I jump up off the chain and grab it. It takes a lot of effort but I eventually pull myself up and get my feet through the hole. I take a deep breath before I let go and jump out of the cell.

James POV
It is about midnight when the backup shows up. It is three large guys that Matthew works with. They apparated just a few feet away from where we were camping out and it scared the daylights out of all of us.

Matthew gets up and greets them and then brings them over to our campsite.

"These are the guys. This is Noah, Jace, and Adam. They are gonna help us and won't mention you were here. You guys can help with the rescue but you have to lay low. If you get hurt the whole thing is blown."

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