Chapter Thirty-Six - Sixth Year

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It is only a few days into school and I'm already struggling. I don't have hardly any classes with my friends so it is making it hard to stay connected with them. I've been spending a lot of time alone lately, and it is kind of nice. I normally surround myself with people all the time just in case I start getting sad, but recently enjoying the alone time. 

I've spent a lot of time studying so I don't fall behind. Studying distracts me from the stress of the upcoming war. Since we have went back to school there has been a lot more attacks on muggles and muggle borns.

I haven't heard from Regulus recently so I assume he hasn't heard anything else about recruiting me. I'm still trying to decide if I should tell any of my friends about the Deatheater thing. I know it would crush them if something happens to me but I also know that I won't get any alone time or space if I tell them. They can be very over protective when necessary.

Other than that Remus and I had our one year two days ago on Tuesday. It is Thursday today. We decided to wait till Saturday to celebrate. Remus is planning the date so the only thing I have to do is show up.

At the moment I'm sitting in the back corner of the library studying or attempting to. I'm not getting much done though because I'm honestly burnt out on studying. I'm about to give up and leave but someone takes a seat in front of me. I look up and my eyes meet panicked grey ones.
I know what is about to happen is going to be bad.

"Chase, they are planning to make their move now! I just now overheard in the common room and it sounds like it is going to be a lot worse then we expected!" He whisper shouts at me.

His entire body is tense and he is shaking. His eyes are full of fear. His appearance rattles me to my very core. The fear in his eyes is not unfamiliar to me. I've wore that same look many times over the years and it is scary to see it on someone else.

I can't panic though because one of us needs to be thinking clearly and he obviously isn't thinking clearly.

"What do we do! If they find out I've been talking to you they will kill me! It won't just be a slap on the wrist, they will torture me to death!" He says.

I am trying really hard not to freak out because I have to be the adult in this situation. I have to take care of Regulus before I take care of myself.

I take a deep breath and reach across the table and grab both of his hands in mine. They are clammy and he is shaking but I hold on tight. I look into his fearful eyes and squeeze his hands trying to comfort him.

"Reg, listen to me. I need you to leave here and go straight to Dumbledore. Tell him what is going on right now. Don't tell him how long we knew this was coming. Just tell him what you heard and who you heard it from. You need to make it clear you aren't a Deatheater. He will help protect you. Once I am safe I will clear things up and get you protection." I tell him hurriedly.

He nods nervously but doesn't make a move to leave.

"I will let you leave first then I will make my way up there. I'm sure that I will be fine and I'm sure you will be too." I pause and take a dry, shaky breath. "If by some odd chance I don't make it to Dumbledore and they get me I want you to talk to the boys for me. I need you to let them know that I love them and that I will be home as soon as I can."

He nods and let's go of my hands. I want to thank him for all he has done to help me but he has already turned and started walking away. I sit at the table alone for a few minutes before I start packing up my stuff. I get my stuff together and walk out of the library exactly eleven minutes after Regulus.

I walk through the halls nervously. I was hoping that they would be crowded so I wouldn't be alone but they are deserted. I check my watch and it is dinner time. That is where everyone is.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now