Chapter Thirteen - Fourth Year

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(Chases POV)
I wake up pretty early and I wake the other girls up for once. I wake them up then quickly rush to the bathroom to get ready. I have a quittich game tonight so I'm not getting to fancy today. I unbraid my hair and wear it waving today. I throw on a bit of makeup then walk I into the dorm and get dressed for the day. I'm in a pretty good mood once again and I'm hoping I can keep this up. I go ahead and go down to the common room taking my school bag with me. I go sit in a chair near the fire since it is practically freezing in here. I get settled then I get in my school bag and pull out my muggle book and start reading.

(Remus POV)
I wake up fairly early but the other guys are still up before me. I get up and start dragging to get ready. Peter is in the bathroom so I decide to start gathering the homework I worked on last night and getting it I'm my school bag.

"So Rem what happened between you and Chase last night." Sirius says casually while digging in his chest for something.

"What do you mean?" I ask know exactly what he is taking about.

"You came down from the girls dorm all red in the face last night and Chase said it was because of her." He says stopping digging to look at me.

"Well when I was in her dorm getting the notes from Lily she...........walked out without a shirt on......she had on a bra but it was still really awkward. She was in the shower I think when I had came in so she didn't realize I was there." I explain to them blushing.

Sirius scoffs going back to digging in his chest. "Well it doesn't matter she will be in your bed soon anyway if you ever grow the balls to ask her out."

I blush and James butts in "Hey that's my sister!" He says throwing a pillow at Sirius.

I take it he didn't like his comment about her being in my bed. I just shake my head and walk into the bathroom that Peter left a few moments ago which I am very happy about because I seriously had to pee.

(Chases POV)
I am sitting in the common room enjoying my book still when it is suddenly tore out of my hands. I look up to see who took it and I meet Sirius's grey eyes. He stands up straight then tosses the book back at me and I catch it.

"Cmon it is time to go to breakfast." He tells me

I stand up and grab my school bag putting my book in it shoving Sirius as I get up to walk with him. He just rolls his eyes at me. We catch up with the guys who are standing by the portrait hole exit. It is ridiculous how much shorter I am than all the guys. We all leave to go to breakfast joking around the whole way there. Remus and I just act like nothing ever happened and fall back into our normal relationship of best friends.

We arrive at the great hall and all the guys take their normal seats and I stay standing trying to see if the girls are in here yet. When I'm for sure they aren't in here yet I go to take a seat by Remus. Before I sit down though Nathan walks over to our table then up to me. He knows I trashed his dorm but I didn't think he would try to do anything.

He gets in my face "I want my stuff back! He yells at me." I hear the boys get up behind me but I put my hand out behind me signaling for them to stop.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I say calmly. He steps closer to me and he stands up towering over me. He is trying to be intimidating. He reminds me of how Mark used to act. How Mark would get in my face and stand close to me sizing me up before he hit me. He used to throw me into walls and push me down just for fun.

"I know you trashed my dorm! Give me my stuff back and I will go on my way or do I need to put you in your place." He growls.

I'm starting to get angry. He is acting just like my stepdad and I'm done with the abuse. I would take it from Mark but I'm not letting some big headed Ravenclaw do it.

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