Chapter Two

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After we get off the Hogwarts Express, we all go to the Great Hall for the feast. I only stay for about twenty minutes to talk to the girls, then I leave and go to the common room. I don't like the Great Hall that much. I am pretty outgoing with my friends, but all the people stress me out. So, I like to go to the common room to chill while everyone is gone.

I'm sitting in front of the fire reading a new book I got over the summer when I hear the portrait door open and close. Shortly after, the couch dips down beside me under the weight of another person.

I look up and it is Remus. He is sitting close to me, looking into the fire. He looks exhausted. The full moon is in two days, and I can't help but feel awful about it. I want to help him. It hurts me so much to see him go through so much pain every month.

He doubts himself because of his illness, and it is awful. I understand more than anyone, though. That's part of my secret. I have a thing like telekinesis. Basically, I can move things with my mind. Not many wizards have what I have. There have been a few throughout history, but most of them were all horrible people who used their powers to do bad things. This is why I like to keep it a secret, I would rather not scare everyone away or hurt them if I lose control. So, I understand what Remus is going through.....kind of.

Lily, the Marauders, Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall are the only ones who know my secret, and I like to keep it this way. In my first year of Hogwarts, Dumbledore told me about the other people with my abilities and advised me to keep them secret.

Remus sighs loudly beside me, bringing me back to the present.

"How was your summer" he asks quietly

"It was good. Yours?" I lie. My summer was filled with getting hit my Mark and sleeping on friends couches, not wanting to go home.

"It was pretty good. I hung out at James's house a good bit." He replies.

"That's nice. I went over there just before we got on the train."


I watch as he stands up and stretches, his back pops several times, making me wince. He turns to me and puts out his hand to help me up, and I just stare at him with no intention of getting off the comfortable couch. He puts his hand down and turns away, and I return to reading my book. Suddenly, I feel a hand grab my wrist, and I quickly look up and meet Remus's eyes. His deep chocolate brown eyes sparkle with mischief as he pulls me up out of my seat and starts running, dragging me along behind him. He runs out of the common room and up and down staircases, with me tripping along behind him trying to keep up. We finally come to a stop in front of the portrait entrance to the kitchens.

I sit down on the cold cobblestone floor trying to catch my breath as he goes up and tickles the pear in the fruit bowl painting opening the kitchen entrance. He walks in, and I follow him, having finally caught my breath.

"What was that for!l I exclaim, "You just dragged
me halfway across the castle to the kitchens when we just ate."

He looked at me and smirked, "For one thing, this isn't halfway across the castle. I didn't eat because you left, and you looked lonely, so I went to hang out with you in the common room, where you had the audacity to ignore me."

"You hang out with Sirius too much. You are starting to become a drama queen like he is." I reply sarcastically, to which he just rolls his eyes at me.

I go and kindly ask a house elf named Pip to bring me some milk and cookies while Remus tells another elf what he wants. We go and sit at a small table in the back of the kitchens and wait for them to bring us the food. It is really hot in the kitchens, so I take off my big robe and just sit in my blouse and school skirt. We get our food and I eat my cookies while Remus eats a large bowl of stew. We are sitting in comfortable silence until Remus speaks up.

"Chase, what happened to your arm."

"What?" I reply and look at both my arms and spotting the large bruise on my left arm. It's from when my stepfather pushed me into the wall a few days ago.

I fell on our stairs

I got into a bad fight with a girl back home

I'm not sure exactly

All of these excuses are terrible. I use the falling on stairs one all the time and James didn't buy the fight one, and it is too big of a bruise to not know. It would be easier to go with the fight one, though, so my lie is consistent.

"I got in a fight when I was home." I lie.

"I have seen you fight Chase, you wouldn't get hurt that bad."

I begin to panic, so I change the subject.

"It's almost past curfew. We better head back to the dorms."

"But I'm not done!" He protests.

"Well, I will have to walk back alone then," I say in a rush, then quickly walk out of the kitchens.

As I am walking back to the common room, I can't help but think about how bad I feel for lying to him, but I have nowhere to go except for foster care.

I contemplated telling him all the way back to the common room. When I make it back, there are only a few seventh and fifth years in there, so I head up to the dorm. When I enter the dorm that I share with the girls, they are all already settled in about to go to bed. I go ahead and shower and get dressed for bed, trying my hardest not to look in the mirror.

I don't need to be sad about my looks tonight. I'm already upset about lying to Remus.

After I am ready, I lay down in my comfy bed that I will be spending the rest of this year sleeping in and fall into a restless sleep.

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now