Chapter Five

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   I wake up to the bright sun shining through my thin curtains. I look over to check the time on my alarm clock and it is 8:47. I groan and pull myself up out of bed because I have to meet my muggle friends at 10:00. I look around my messy room that desperately needs cleaned. I haven't spent much time here just like I promised the boys. I have spent most of my summer at my friends houses or staying out at our old club house that we have kind of made into our present day hang out.

I have to meet them because it is my birthday today and they are wanting to go swimming at the lake and just have a fun day today.

I go over to my dresser and pull out another one of my friend Logan's old shirts and shorts that used to be my friend Kayla's. I have to wear their hand me downs because Mark refuses to buy me clothes.

I take the clothes and go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. I get dressed and throw my hair in a messy bun and head downstairs. Mark is asleep on the couch and I don't even stop on my way out of the door.

When I get outside I walk down the road to meet them at our hangout. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there and when I arrive they are all inside. Our hang out is a large shed that is up on a small hill away from the road. It has rickety stairs that lead up to the door that practically screams when you open it. The outside is all run down looking but the inside is alright. I walk in and look around. Logan is sitting at the long card table that is pushed against the left wall. Kayla is sitting in the middle of the floor trying to make a card tower with Uno cards. Alex is sitting in one of the three bean bag chairs in the back right corner working on summer school homework.
Lastly Hunter is standing on a chair trying to fix a small hole in the roof.

"What's up losers?"I ask as I walk in.

"It's about time you got here!" Hunter yells jumping down off the chair.

"I'm not even late"

"Whatever you still took forever."

I roll my eyes and kick over Kayla's card tower.

"Hey!" She yells at me and smacks my leg. "Rude"

Alex rolls his eyes at me "Let's go" he says and he walks out the door, leaving the rest of us behind.

All the boys leave first with Kayla and I following behind.

"I feel like this is the first time we have really gotten to talk all summer" she tells me.

"Yeah, I have been hanging out with Logan a lot since you and Hunter have been busy most of the summer with sports and Alex has been busy trying to pass this school year."

"Yeah. So.......have you found yourself a boyfriend yet at this mysterious boarding school you attend?"

"Well, there is this one guy. I think I like but he is like my best friend. All my friends think I like him but I'm not sure."

"What's his name?"

"Remus Lupin"

"That's different. What is he like?"

"He is really handsome and he has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. He is also super sweet and smart. We hang out a lot and everyone says he likes me but I don't think he does. He has a lot of issues with self confidence but I think he is great. "

I neglect to tell her the self confidence problem is because of him being a werewolf.

"Well I don't know about him liking you but it sure seems like you like him."

"Will you guys hurry and catch up we are here!" Alex yells at us.

We run to catch up with them and we are all standing on the edge of the lake Kayla and I trying to catch our breath. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and throw me in the shallow water. It was Logan.

"Oh it is so on" I yell pulling him and Kayla in.

It is about 6:00 in the evening when I return home. We played in the lake for a few hours then went and got ice cream and hung out in town before I headed home. When I walked in the house I was starving after the day I had. I walk to the kitchen and go to make myself a sandwich when my stepfather walks in.

He steps close to me "So what is this? You are going to run around all summer then come back here and eat my food."

"Yeah that is my plan" I reply sarcastically.

He steps closer to me. "You better watch your mouth talking to me that way."

I turn around to face him. I had a great day today and I'm not going to let him ruin it. "Get away from me!"

"Don't yell at me!" He screams in my face. I go to push past him but he grabs my arm holding me in place.

"Let me go!" I yell.

Before I have a chance to react he takes a fist full of my hair and slams my head into the thin wooden cabinet so hard that it breaks the thin wood. He lets go and I watch the room spin trying not to fall unconscious. I watch him as he screams at me but I don't hear what he is saying. Everything is fuzzy and my ear is ringing. I turn my head and everything moves in slow motion until I spot my baseball bat that is still lying on the floor from when I went and played with Logan the other day.

I shake my head and things clear up a little. I still can't hear what he is saying due to the ringing in my ear but all I know is he is angrier than ever before. He is angry enough to kill me.

I grab the bat as quickly as possible without passing out. My vision blurs again from the movement but I can make him out standing in front of me ready to hit me again. I raise the bat ready to swing at him when my vision finally clears and the ringing in my ear dies down.

"You swing at me with that bat and I won't hesitate to kill you!" He shouts at me.

I watch him closely not having much strength to speak. I start to lower the bat thinking I can run for it. He takes his chance and lunges for me but I was still ready. I hit him right across the middle as hard as I can with the bat and I drop it and run. The only place for me to run is up to my room so that's where I go. My head starts to swim again and I trip on the stairs busting my knees and chin. I pick myself up and start running again. I can vaguely hear him getting up. I run in my room and slam the door locking it behind me.

I quickly look for a way to escape. I don't want to have to use my abilities on him. I take the big coat rack off my closet because I'm hoping it can help me to get out the window. I dig through my closet and find the short rope I have that I was going to use for a clothes line a while back when our dryer was broken. I take the rope and tie it to the hook and I attach the hook to my window sill. Mark is now trying to kick in my door I only have a few seconds. The rope only makes it about halfway down but it is all I have. I start going down the rope as he finally breaks into my room. I slide down it burning my hands. When I reach the end of the rope I drop to the ground hitting my ankle then falling on my face. My vision is cloudy but I have to make it down the street to the only shop in my town that is hooked up to the floo network. I half run half limp to the shop running on pure adrenaline having no idea if he is following me.

I finally make it to the shop but it is closed I use my powers to open the doors and I run to the fire place grab the powder and yell "Potters Mansion"

The Gryffindor Princess.  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now