Chapter Sixty-Four

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I hate being in hiding. I love getting to spend time with Remus and Luke but it is killing me not seeing my friends as often.

We decided to make Logan our secret keeper. It was very difficult since he is a muggle but we decided it was our best bet since not many people know I'm friends with him.

James and Lily chose Peter as their secret keeper. I didn't really think it was a good idea but it makes sense. Sirius is such an obvious option so they had to go with someone less obvious.

I wish Remus wouldn't have made us go into hiding. He is just looking out for us but it still sucks. I wanted to tell him no but he had already made up his mind. He is the man of the house and this decision was final.

Kayla is running the shop for us until we get out of hiding. She gives Sirius the money and he takes half and puts it in the bank for us because we are planning to save up what we can while we are hiding. They keep the other half as payment.

Logan brings us groceries back and forth since he is the main secret keeper. James, Lily, Sirius, Kayla, the girls, and our parents are all secondary secret keepers so they can still come over and stuff. Secondary keepers still know the location of the hidden place but it is impossible for them to share it with anyone. Only the main secret keeper can give the hidden place away.

I haven't heard much from everyone but it sounds like some people haven't been doing well. I heard that a lot of Marlene's family has been killed and I'm sure it is taking a toll on her.
Alice and Frank have been missing and I am so worried about them.

I take a deep breath and shake the thoughts from my head. I have went over the events a million times in my head but I just can't get over it.

I sigh and pick Luke up out of his crib and head to the living room to sit with Remus. I end up putting him on his play mat so we can sit and watch him.

"Our family is beautiful." Remus says kissing my hair. "I want another baby. As soon as we get out of hiding let's have another."

I shake my head. "One baby is enough for now."

"But just look at him. He is adorable and he can almost sit up by himself now. I want two of them." He begs.

I pat his leg and shake my head again. "He just recently started sleeping through the night and he still doesn't eat solids. We don't need another baby yet. I'll consider it once he is potty trained."

Remus thinks for a second then agrees.

I can't blame Remus for wanting another kid. I love Lucas. He is such a beautiful baby and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Remus is so good with him too. I like to sit in the hallway and listen when Remus puts him to bed.

"You need to go to sleep or you'll be a cranky critter in the morning. Your mum is always cranky in the mornings and I can't handle the both of you." He always says before covering him up and kissing the top of his head.

We both sit in silence watching our boy. We watch as he gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. He has been doing this a lot lately and it means he is almost ready to crawl. Remus and I have been trying to get him to crawl but we aren't pushing him too much because he is only 4 and a half months.

We sit where we are and I'm content for once in my life.

Time skip to a few weeks later
So far everyone is doing pretty well except we still don't have an update on Alice and Frank. I know that their son is staying with the grandmother but I'm extremely worried about them.

Marlene has been doing better I think. She decided to go into hiding with her girlfriend. She lost most of her family to Deatheaters so it is probably for the best.

Sirius is still going strong but Peter has just about dropped of the face of the Earth. It has been two weeks since anyone has heard from him. I'm starting to get worried he was captured.

Despite all the bad things that are happening Remus and I are doing great. Our relationship is wonderful and we are both enjoying getting to spend time with our baby.

We have started decorating the house more and painting some of the walls to bring in more color. We had Logan pick us up a ton of pictures frames so we are ready to start decorating our walls.

We should've started decorating a long time ago but work and the baby kept us busy. Now that we aren't working for the time being we have finally started fixing up the house.

We are currently decorating the living room because we just finished painting it a dark beige. We painted the fireplace white and trimmed it in dark brown. We put some candles and pictures on top.

I framed our wedding pictures and a few from when we were in school. I also framed several pictures of Luke and Remus is working on hanging them now.

We decided to do it all the muggle way simply so it would take up more time. We have no idea how long we will be in hiding.

Remus is hanging pictures and I'm repainting the hallway when I hear Remus yell. I drop my paint brush and run because I know he yelled out of fear. I run into the room but when I try to stop I end up slipping and landing on my butt. I forgot I had socks on.

"What's going on?" I yell.

I look over at Remus who is holding Luke with wide eyes.

"He crawled."

My eyes widen because I literally just missed him crawling for the first time.

"Why did you yell?" I ask.

"He crawled to the nails and was about to put one in his mouth."

I gasp and jump up.

"Remus John Lupin! You were supposed to be watching him!" I pause as I take the baby from him. "Give me my baby."

I walk over to the couch and sit down. I open his mouth to see if he cut his mouth but it looks fine. I understand why he wanted something for his mouth though. He is cutting teeth and they like to chew on things.

I'm surprised I didn't notice sooner because normally babies get all fussy when they are cutting teeth.

I sigh and stand up. "I dropped paint on the floor in the hall. Can you please clean it up while I take care of him."

Remus nods and heads to go take care of it. I shift Luke to my hip and head upstairs with him. I dig around in his closet in the baby stuff I have saved and I find a few teething rings. I give him one and then I take the rest downstairs and put them in the freezer for later.

I take Luke and put him in his swing in the living room. The swing plays music and He loves it. I strap him in and cover him with his blanket. Now he can't escape and he can watch his daddy work on the living room.

I head back to the hallway to finish what I was doing but Remus comes up behind me and wraps me in a hug.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching him well enough."

I turn around and hug him back. "It's okay, you didn't know he would start crawling. I'm sure we will both keep a better eye on him now."

Remus kisses me before going back to the living room. I love my perfect little family.

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