Chapter Eleven - Fourth Year

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(Remus POV)
I just sit and hold Chase as she tells me what Nathan did. I don't understand why anyone would ever do something like that to her. She is amazing. I sit and try to comfort her until James and Sirius come in then leave again going after Nathan. I want to go after him also but I can't just leave Chase here by herself. My revenge will just have to be a bit delayed. I hold her and rub her back trying to get her to calm down. I feel like this is the first time in forever that I have gotten to see her and it sucks we are spending it this way. It really hurts that she is so upset. It is really vain but it makes me angry she is heartbroken over a guy who couldn't even be faithful. I guess she seen something in him the rest of us didn't.

After awhile she quits hiccuping and her breathing becomes less ragged. I feel her breathing slow and her heart quits pounding so hard and falls into a steady rhythm. Shortly after I hear her start snoring lightly. She literally cried herself to sleep. I stand slowly and gently rest her in my bed. I cover her with the covers then lightly kiss her forehead.

I walk down to the common room and meet up with James and Sirius. James fists are bloody and Sirius has a black eye.

"How is Chase?" James asks.

"She cried herself to sleep."

He just nods in response.

"The prat is in the hospital wing. We got him pretty good. There isn't anyway he is going to tell what happened cause he isn't going to want all of his side girls knowing what happened with Chase." Sirius tells me while rubbing his eye.

"You guys get the girls they will know how to help her better than we can. Lily should be able to help with your eye also Sirius." I turn around to go to the dorms. "I'm gonna borrow your cloak James."

(Lily's POV)
I am extremely annoyed when James and Sirius practically force the girls and I into the common room. He and Sirius stand while all of us girls sit on the couch. I notice for the first time that Sirius has a black eye. He probably got it when he and James were bullying some poor kids that didn't deserve it.

"What do you want James?" I ask bitterly. Alice elbows me giving me a look that says "don't be so rude." I just roll my eyes.

James speaks not phased by my rude tone. "It is about Chase."

We all sit forward.

Sirius picks us where James left off. "Nathan cheated on her and then said some.....nasty things to her. She is really upset. Remus was comforting her. We figure she is going to need comfort from you guys. Oh and......Nathan is in the Hospital Wing."

If Nathan wasn't already in the Hospital Wing us girl would be on our way to put him there now. We are all angry at Nathan and would like to have a piece of him but Chase needs us.

Marlene stands up "Where is Chase now? You said Remus was comforting her. What happened with that?"

James speaks up "She is asleep upstairs. I think we should just let her sleep then talk in the morning. Tomorrow is Saturday which is good because we won't have class."

We all just nod. "I think we should plan some stuff out to help get her mind off of it. The girls and I will talk to her but other then that we should act like things are mostly normal. We will be there when she needs us but we don't need to treat her like she is some broken.....thing. She would hate it." I tell everyone.

"Okay so let's plan out some things then." James says sitting down.

(Remus POV)
I use James invisibility cloak to sneak into the Hospital wing. When I walk in Madam Pomfrey is in the back room of the Hospital Wing either doing paperwork or sleeping. I start walking around checking all the beds for Nathan. About halfway through looking I find him. He is sleeping lightly in a bed halfway covered up. It looks like Madam Pomfrey almost got all of his bruises healed but James and Sirius got him pretty good and some of the bruises are still visible. 

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